
I am sorry, WHAAAAAT! She fried cheesecake! WTF???! I thought potato chips and mayo on a casserole in the oven was bad.....

I am talking about in Biblical times, beyond a certain age especially, women were not really allowed in certain areas of the temple that men were and since only priests were men, women were not allowed at all in any of the holy places, hence, the women of that time couldn't read the law and scriptures as much as a man

YES! I agree!

The mother wants a Disney contact? The only show little Eden will be on is Intevention...

I have a relationship with Christ, this is how Christianity is defined. And I have faith and hope in God who sits alive and well. I do not pray to a "feminist", I do not put my trust in the concept of "feminism", "feminism" doesn't get me up each morning and put breath in my lungs. I worship my Creator, I speak with

HELLO, Most Jewish females WERE NOT ALLOWED IN TEMPLE! Or to be taught the law!!!! Imagine a whole bunch of new converts, mostly JEWS, in the church asking questions BECAUSE THEY DO NOT KNOW THE LAW. This is the reason why Paul wrote this at the time, to cut down on the distraction going on...also, women and men were

Paul writes this due to the fact that Jews at that time (and this is true in Modern Orthodox to this day) does not allow a woman to be a rabbi. Women can preach and be leaders in the church, this is present in the Bible numerous times and occasions (Deborah in Judges, Anna the Prophet in Matthew), etc. The Bible

Please note that real Christians (not the crazy ones who think they are Christian) know that Jesus is Jewish, we worship a Jewish Messiah, the Bible is written by Jews and all of our heroes are Jewish. So in fact, Christians LOVE JEWS. Any Christian who says they do not in an idiot and I would question their

Of course they are going to oppose porn and extra marital affairs.....Most Christians (liberal, like myself) and conservative or radical even will oppose this. Jesus the Jew wasn't really advocating cheating on one's spouse... I do not even think porn and hating homosexuals are even in the same damn range. Pre-marital

What a hateful spiteful human being. He is an idiot. "marriage is for procreation." No numbuts, God made "marriage" aka partnerships so that humans would be fully loved and not be lonely. It is a bonus to have babies but not required by my Chrisitian God. I think he worships the God called his ass.

As a Christian, I wish she would pray for world hunger to end the way she prays for her daughter's pagents. How silly to pray such earnestly for such crap.

This toucan bird is hideous. It should be put out of its misery.

"American Heritage Girls" sounds like a cheesy knock off of those "american" dolls that little girls play with.

I agree whole heartedly with you!

thanks, that is exactly what I meant. I strongly believe those that call themselves Christ followers do not believe the rapture is happening at all. I know for one I do not. I would like to think most people have common sense, I hope but who knows how some people are so easily deceived. I think this is all a ploy to

Predestination is VERY Calvinist..

Please know that .99999999999999999999% of all actual Christians know this is horse shit.

I know right! It would take me 2.5 years just to pay for this room with GROSS PAY. These parents are lunatics.

Yes, I agree there should eb proof they are related and if it is true I think the father should be arrested and the daughetr should be put in deep therapy. I will not bother to watch the clip, this is ridiculous. And Myspace is so trashy, not surprised..

I agree. I think most societies find this disgusting.