
Well, this is just funny. Waxes do hurt the first time you get them. This look like thicker, more expensive wax (I have had the awful green shit that hurts). I want to show this to my b-friend. I do wax by choice, especially during beach time season but he enjoys it much more than I do. I should threaten to do this if

This is the funniest thing I have seen. Much better than the "under the sea" Little Mermaid skit on SNL this weekend.

Hi, PPl in the states do watch the BBC but please keep in mind that a lot of British shows get re-invented here. When that happens, it is sold to another network. For instance, Scy Fi is now airing their version of Being Human (they also show Merlin, though unaltered from the UK formatting) & NBC airs The Office, etc.


Our church is not so pro-anorexia. FYI, being healthy doesn't mean starving yourself, I read the Bible and am pretty sure there is no verse supporting that...

Jesus is stupid. His answer would be to "Join Weight Watchers", it really would.

I tithe to the Journey and am not an idiot. The church gives our tithes to actual charities around the city and the world. I have seen it with my own eyes. And unless you want the government and the church as one, I suggest you keep on getting over the fact all churches are charities and have to raise their funds just

I am an educated Christian feminist that has been reading this blog since it first started. I have two college degrees. I fully support this blog and the church I attend, the Journey. Not all Christians (At least the sane ones) are out making anti abortion laws and agreeing with Fred Phelps.

I attend the Journey and think everything you said is pretty cool. To each his own.

I totally agree with everything you just said!

I attend the Journey and have been a member for about 5 years now. I know Pastor Mark personally and he would never give a message to brainwash Journey members. This message is to promote healthy living and spiritual balance. We should take care of our bodies, this is just common sense. Christians do believe that

I am going to Ireland, the UK and either Chile or Mexico! So excited :) I went to Spain in September and can not wait to go back to Europe.

I MISS HORTENSE! I thought it was bad when Moe left but goodness, I am still sad...

@taracorinne: I agree. I thought this pic was doctored or something. and creepy...

Isn't Dead Spin owned by Gawker? If they did something unfair, just write your co-worker...

I LOVE HORTENSE! I began to rely to on you SO MUCH. I do understand you needing your weekends free now, you raely have a weekend off! But I will miss you, I adore you and please let us know when and where you will be writing in the future, you have a huge fan base here....

@LutherNipperkin: Luther, I feel safe living in NYC whilst the bed bug thing is going on. The #1 to prevent it is to DUH not use a used mattress or used upholstery. My roommate got an air mattress and frankly, her guests can sleep on this and appriorately so. A lot of the attacks I see and read about are in huge

Tracie, you are not fat. What dodos said this??? I am sure your man loves you as you are and that includes your tits, ass, mouth, hands, face, etc. I am sure he enjoys you to the fullest and you are not going home to any of these internet trolls and they didn't give you the ring on your finger, so they really need to