
@mordicai: I am just pointing out that the government should serve higher interests of disabled people in general (hence it being a "justice" and a lawful entity) than paying monies for someone who is disabled to get laid. If this disabled man in the article was just given a check for being disable and spent it in a

@forgetfulgirl: Well, Tucker Max certaintly gets off on the taboos of having sex with people that are disabled. He takes pictures and writesstories, deaf women, women missing limbs, etc. and chroniciles how like all women, (or at least the women he sleeps with), he can detest and treat them just like trash afterwards.

@mordicai: I totally agree with you! I do think that sex is a great privelege. I do believe that everyone should have the right to choose who and where and how they want to exercise this great privelege. I believe that God has given sex to humans to fufillment of a lot of things: family, emotion, love, pleasure. etc.

@megami_no_ushi: @megami_no_ushi: I do heavily respect Japanese culture, art, just about everything. it is sort of antique, cool, spiritual, etc. (huge Miyazaki fan and his son just made a film!) Japan and the Japanese ppl I have met, just seem amazing. I am referring to a documentary I saw years ago that showed

@megami_no_ushi: I do heavily respect Japanese culture, art, just about everything. it is sort of antique, cool, spiritual, etc. (huge Miyazaki fan and his son just made a film!) Japan and the Japanese ppl I have met, just seem amazing. I am referring to a documentary I saw years ago that showed Japanese children and

@waverly: goodness gracious! I think I would just be tempted to home school my child at that cost. I do see your point...3 years old though, they throw tantrums. And watch Dora and Spongebob and play outside. My nephew is 5 years old. Love him to death but he says "You can't tell me what to do!" mmmmmm.30k is not

@NellMood: @NellMood: I guess but colleges are that cost a year. Unless her little darling child is a genius, I *personally* see that as a waste of $$$. I make budgets for a living for my day job. That cost is sort of incredulous. Japanese children (and a lot of other country's children) are way smarter than USA

@tokenblackgirl: I am sorry but her child is a toddler. What "private schools" NOW does this child and a baby need? Recently, private schools (both highscools and colleges) have been in the news for all sorts of scandals. Is it nice to go to Priceton one day? Probably. If you are smart enough to get the hell in and

I am unsure of how I feel about this situation...using fertility treatments does carry a higher risk for multiples. That is the risk of using such treatments....Personally, unless it would put her health or the health of the other child into question, I would not abort. Just reading the article made it seem like "Oh,

@femme-bot: Oh yes!!!!!! hell to to the yes.

This is why I am not Catholic and i attend a non denominational church. I also believe the Vatican is man made and has nothing to do with Christ at all. Jehovah God does not need old men in Europe to make rules for His people.

WHO WROTE THIS? This makes me fell bad about thinking Twilight is awful...

i like the outfits. the girls are cute, too bad they are tired!

I think the first part of this study is bullS*&(. I am 28 and the only reason I think about sex more than I was 18 was because I lost my virginity 3 years ago and discovered the rabbit while eating a pot brownie-never tried it before and didn't try it afterwards but it was great.

Is that Dax Shepard behind Jessica Alba!~?the beard!!!!!

I am not against older women having children but I do ask myself if the women are realistic in knowing that they probably will not see their children grow up fully. I think that they should settle this within themselves and make arrangements before the child is born to see that when they do go onto another life, that

@monkey_biz: Oh, yes they should have gotten Goldie's own daughter! And this move does not need to be re-made anyways. It was great. What is next, a re-make of BIG and LABRINYTH. Shame!

I LOVE YOU ANNA! Seriously, you, Dodai, Tracie and Moe and Jessica G. were the whole reason this site blew up. We will miss your incredible snark.

Well, what happens when she gets knocked up again a year later??? She is really not responsible if she thinks a tummy tuck is going to alieve her pains. She really is a silly, young girl and sadly with a baby...

@nourbatta: I am a protestant and am not familiar with the Catholic church but there is some change to faith when it comes to women in Baptist, non denominational, Penetecoastal and other sects of Protestant church groups. There are women worship leaders, deacons and pastors and other various leadership roles. The