Though I am not Catholic, I am all for women coming together and uniting in faith. How beautiful.
Though I am not Catholic, I am all for women coming together and uniting in faith. How beautiful.
Natalie's case was a sad one. Two aliens involved in Aruba, which is probably a very small island with an even smaller police and investigation force. Neither the US or the Netherlands have jursidiction there. However, he killed a local in her own country, I hope he will be punished.
@NewsBunny: so awesome.
Is that a real mag called Jezebel or was that just made for this post?
I am sooooo sad! I loved her!
@Penny: I mean, I think she is an "outsider" is the means of her being an immigrant to the UK, and now to America. She probably has somee strong displacement issues she is still dealing with. However, I do get your point, she does use her "outsideness" as a banner, perhaps to sell records, perhaps to get what she…
I never really got into Sex in the City. Glad I never did...seems like a whole lotta fluff with no substance...
Boo! Is there something wrong with the loading of this page or is it just me? I want to read Sadie's article, but the text in on top of each other and mishmashed together.
@little_librarian is the Cuntness!: That is totally fine. I know the Playgirl interview is not the first time, I have been a fan for over 5 years and read almost every zany and inappriopate thing he says. To me, actions mean more than words, so when he becomes "Michael Lohan" and fathers several children and becomes a…
@AnneV6: HAHAHAHAHA. Not really thought...i do believe he has a drinking problem, it is sort of sad.
Oh, please leave John Mayer alone!
@LucyRed: He does not make awful music. He really can play guitar and write music very well... he is an awesome musician, (especially if you see him live in concert) like Harold Pinter is a great theater artist and Sam Shepard is Post Modernism for American Theater. Theater needs to be seen to be appreciated in person…
@divinelioness: While I am not John Mayer, I have done and said worse than he and somehow been forgiven by family and friends...and I know that John knows that he says things that make ppl upset sometimes, he did write a song called "My Stupid Mouth" when he first came out. I chose to be his fan way back when I knew…
@leviathan: hahahahahaha! I agree!
Heidi is off her rocker. The sad thing is, it is real. She is real. The good news is this is the funniest thing I've read all day.
In response to the article, Ok, I read the post about the man whose wife left him and he took the wedding dress and made weird pictures with it as a sort of revenge. This post got 4k plus votes on Digg. I do not think this is sexist. The guy's heart is probably broken or whatever the circumstances are and he wants to…
Ok, can we stop bashing on John Mayer? I think he made an incredible stupid mistake, but he is not a racist. He just speaks first and thinks later when he speaks sometimes. He is not a bad person...
it scares me that the "Church" will protect child molestors and God only knows what else instead of saving. Christ came to save the world, not to condemn it. You can not condemn a woman and a baby to die for a disease that each had no fault of...Idiot.
My friends make fun of me because they say I love Mr. Met because I love John Mayer but I do not think this is funny....
I am sorry, but she looks like a vampire...and how graceful of her to "apologize" to Samdra but yet collect thousands of dollars-a year's worth of someone's salary-for her "non homewrecking" actions..