"Messages saying something positive about people with large bodies: 3"
"Messages saying something positive about people with large bodies: 3"
I am glad she can examine her husband's piss and compare it to a human mind. brillant, lady. good job..
I do love Jews. But I love John Mayer as well!!! I am sorry, I am just happy this article was written just so his face is being shown.
@lisas: I totally agree. Porn is a man made, man bought machine. it just is...for the most part, it really is...
i have never even heard of method. not s fan after this crap...i make my own cleaning products with distilled water, borax, vinegar and essential oils. I feel better now I am green without method's shitty ads.
Oh, it is hard to offend me and I am offended, this is gross and made me feel bad for the woman in the commercial. it totally looked like she was taking a "shame shower" after being raped! i wonder what the actress thought when she saw the script and what compelled her to do it, not a good career choice, no matter…
This Kristin woman needs Jesus, quick.
People will go much more deeper in debt if those with insurance have to pay up front for ALL the medical costs. Having a baby is already expensive, cancer treatment is already expensive, blood test, MRIs, Cat Scans are already expensive...!
Did anyone notice Ari looks like Samathan Ronson. Creepy.
I love John Mayer, I love John Mayer, I love John Mayer. This makes me love him more.
just reading this article off the bat, i see evolutionary psychologist...why is an evolutionary psychologist in a school of economics>this does not make sense to me...
Alas, I still love John Mayer...
These women look larger than a size 14, the "average woman"...hmm.....
If John Mayer ever dated Simpson again, I would consider never listening to his music again I believe. Why can't my favorite singer just date someone not associated with the media? Goodness...
katherine mcphee dyed her hair..how awful....what other career killing move is next?
Obama Administration has not had the chance to bring about "recent failures". Bush has brought our recent failures, thank God Clinton went over there and not Bush, who has dropped off the radar, praise God.
Let me say that this new design to condense the blog posts, makes this one seem squashed and very hard to read. Especially, with all the links, it causes it to look like a huge run on sentence and it hurts my eyes to read it...
Well, Maggie's friends have no right to make such a fuss. They didn't sleep with her, all they can do is support the decision the couple made. If Maggie chooses to make the decision or include her boyfriend in on the decision, then it is her business. I have never heard of a group of girls being that narcissistic and…