Damn, check out the new burden of proof on display here. Guilty until accuser proved factually inaccurate (never mind the DNA evidence who’s walk up music is yakety sax).
The Ol mother fakes the rape kit trick. Victims should really talk to their mothers about that...
The story about the rape kit bag smelled like bullshit from the start, and should have been approached with more skepticism than yesterday’s story and the comments that followed.
Alleged criminals are all the time though. Funny thing, that.
I don’t think this looks shady for Kane anymore. If the victim’s side is having to fabricate things and lie then it looks bad on them.
Wow! This is what it looks like when the wheels have completely fallen off and the bus is just a burning pile on the side of the road
It would seem to me that the mother didn’t like the results of the rape kit which shows none of Kane’s DNA below the waist of the accuser. She then pulled this “bag chicanery” to help explain why
because the victims mother lies to her attorney?
Why isn’t the accuser’s name being published?