I got one. It’s not that bad. It’s nice being able to play Vita games on my TV. Bigger screens > smaller screens, and all that.
I got one. It’s not that bad. It’s nice being able to play Vita games on my TV. Bigger screens > smaller screens, and all that.
rapists don’t normally wear condoms when raping. in fact they almost never do. so the fact that DNA evidence shows that Kane’s DNA wasn’t in the accuser’s underwear or genital area goes a long way to clearing him. add to that the fact that DNA from one or two other unidentified/unknown men were found in her genital…
that’s a huge misconception going around right now because people weren’t paying attention. the rape kit didn’t get shoved between two doors. the evidence bag holding the rape kit did. and now it seems like the circumstances surrounding the bag were a fabrication. more and more it looks like the accuser’s side is…