
Conflating? I don't think any of these items exist in isolation.

Everybody seems to strongly disagree with me, but I think it's easier for women in western society to violate traditional gender norms than it is for men. I'm not saying it's easy, but it's easi-ER.

Do you realize that everything you're describing is simply the opposite of stereotypically "feminine" traits? Being a man means not being weepy and women? Or being tempered—not childishly impulsive and women?

You're conflating a ton of issues, let's go point by point

You know what helped me? Seriously? When Drew Magary started writing his Funbag columns.

So, uh, does this mean the Jezebel commentary is going to stop making fun of Marcus Bachmann for being more effeminate than they think straight men should be? Maybe it would be good to not think it's hilarious when John Stewart and Jerry Seinfeld do so? Could we just make fun of Marcus Bachmann for his ideas and not

I had never thought about how the patriarchy hurt men until my college boyfriend (who identified as a feminist, and was not a stereotypical uber-male) told me that he struggled to cry, even when he badly wanted to do so. He felt it had been trained out of him, and that physically he could barely remember what it felt

Can you help me understand how your assessment of her physical appearance is relevant to her work? She might be "beautiful," but I'm not seeing why that matters here.

Once again, ladies, gentlemen and others... The Patriarchy hurts everyone.

Caught Bonning?

ball scientists

I think the better plan of action, if you are an interested female gamer, would be to complain loudly and often to Rockstar Games. Complain on Twitter, Facebook, email, messenger pigeon and via articles like these. Companies only react to scandal, mass complaints, and declining sales. Something like, "Hi Rockstar.

Shut the fuck up, Old Media, we broke up with you for a reason.

Too late! They're here and they are telling women to get over it or, barring that, create their own games. This is going to be a shit show and I swear that I hate that it was written. Justice Ginsberg, this is no place for you. I know you and Justice Scalia are besties, which shows you have a strong stomach, but leave

Katie, I am disappointed to see such a closed-minded post on Jezebel, especially concerning women's rights. Women's rights activists are constantly pointing out how evangelical Christianity hurts women's self-esteem and how Catholicism has backwards views on women's health. Why does Islam get a free pass?

Can we be done with religion, please? Shit is patriarchal and played out.

"If 99.3% of women reported being treated equitably, fairly, generously — it would be natural to ask: what's the predominant religion?"

The answer, Joyce Carol Oates, would be "None. This particular country is secular."

OK Oates' tweets are certainly Islamophobic, but her last one (pre Trayvon tweet) did have me think for a second. People are very quick to acknowledge the positive that a particular religion can have on the individual and a culture, but when it comes to negative attributes, suddenly that is *a very dumb idea* and not

I don't think any of this is racist. If 99% of women report being sexually harassed I don't think it's racist to question wtf is going on with that culture.
