A grown-up! I've raised children, I sure as heck aren't attracted to them. Give me a grown-up man every time.
A grown-up! I've raised children, I sure as heck aren't attracted to them. Give me a grown-up man every time.
I don't wear plus sizes but I am ALWAYS wandering into the maternity section at Target and finding cute stuff before I realize where I am.
Coming from a guy who used to be a 22-year old fuck-head opiate addict, this is pretty spot on. Being a risk taker does not equal becoming addicted to drugs. Sure I took/take more risks that the average "square" person but drugs are drugs dude and opiates are the worst to take a risk on. Hunter S. Thomson douche's…
"Why do we do this?"
Maybe the video is supposed to represent the level of comfort Muslim women have in the US, and their ability to assimilate in our culture. In one of my classes called "Islam and the West" we interestingly enough read a bit about the ease at which Muslims feel they can assimilate into US culture, as opposed to, say,…
I have to disagree. It would make perfect statistical sense for blacks to account for the bulk of the searches for "ebony," and for "ebony" to be one of the most common search terms, despite the fact that blacks are a minority. Here's how. Let's assume that people prefer to watch porn that features members of their…
Fucking 1% getting their way again. Since they can come 2 minutes faster, they have more time to steal my money and give it to Wall Street bankers.
You're not...going to a wedding, are you?
I figured that Thanksgiving, like Christmas, is just an appropriation of an ancient pagan holiday (harvest feast or something. I don't actually know which pagan holiday. it's just what I assumed).
I worked retail for at least a decade overall. My favorite was when people would complain to me about "having to shop" on whatever holiday it was.
Call them the Washington Rednecks. All you change is the feathers on the logo to a camouflage trucker cap. Plus, it actually fits a large demographic of Washington football fans.
No. The Minstrel shows happened all over Europe. There was a TV show on in the UK well into the 70's called The Black and White Minstrel Show. Blackface is racist, she knows this or is incredibly ignorant even though she is French.
Jesus H! What is with these people who turn up at the bottom of every article about black face happening in another country and try to claim that black face is only racist in America. Like, even if you genuinely thought that, WHY WOULD YOU SAY IT OUT LOUD?!
I like how you assume anyone defending her against your cruel, unnecessary and tasteless insults is a "fattie". Not every thin person is a body shaming, mean spirited soul, a lot of us are supporters of HAES and consider fat shaming to be really unacceptable.
OP, you're handling this with a lot more grace than I would.…
Why don't you post a picture of yourself up here so we can all stare in awe of your svelte frame instead of hiding behind a burner account?!
Who the fuck pretends they can't open a jar? Oh, the women in your imagination... the only ones you have contact with.
I can't get over that loser's comment! I laughed especially at "fat tits," like that's a bad thing somehow? All boobs are made of fat! "Fat tits" = tits. I think you mean "voluptuous."
Thanks, I made the dress myself.