
Oh I totally forgot about "hache"! I agree, so annoying (for really no reason other than I find it strange)! My issue with "zed" is that it ruins the rhyming end of the ABC song. lol

That's what I was hoping for too. sigh...Come on Jackman Hottiepants, you can do better!!

Who said lowering misogyny would be an end result of legalizing prostitution. Although most prostitutes are women there are plenty of female johns and gay johns, etc. Prostitution isn't inherently degrading to anyone, its a business transaction. There is nothing wrong with a man just wanting sex without going through

yes, it is still human trafficking if... people are trafficked into the country for sex work. Belgium has a problem with sex trafficking.

Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world and has not gone out of demand for thousands of years. Pretending that criminalizing it has been nothing but an appalling failure ( much like drugs) isn't helpful to anyone. Leaglize it, Tax it, Regulate it heavily. Provide a better, safer environments for booth

so a woman's ability to withold sex and thereby prevent dickish dudes from getting laid is the only thing that will get men to respect her? please.

tsk tsk. slut-shaming the founding fathers now.

all federal employees receive awareness training about human trafficking. WAY TO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THE SLIDES GUYS.

And how many of the Founding Fathers had STD's?

Okay, yeah, and how many of them had tutors?

Erm, you realize that a lot of people in America have Irish heritage right? Would you think it was more weird/bougie to see a girl name Aisling, which is the traditional Gaelic form of the name? I really don't get being so overly invested in what other people name their kids.

This thread has me utterly amazed by the number of people apparently terrified that other people could be talking about them at any time. It's a weird combination of low self-esteem ("oh noes, what are they saying?!") and laughable self-importance ("about ME! People definitely give a shit about ME!"). Ugh, I'd hate to

Weren't they men of very high privilege who grew up in wealthy families? It's pretty easy to do that when you are rolling in the dough and have private tutors.

every time i come across someone i have trouble communicating with, i remember that once i leave the conversation, i'm back in the dominant tongue of my country. the person i was trying to chat with is stuck with those kinds of limited interactions all the time.
if people don't want to learn english, that's up to them

The room mate was referring to strangers in public, not people currently in a group with her speaking different languages. That aside, it's pretty mind boggling that you both think that other people should speak words that are intelligible to you purely so that you know they aren't talking about you.

Do you get

The thing that always gets my goat about the english-only stuff is that sooooo many immigrants to this country , and even their kids, never spoke english and did pretty darn well. Eventually, after a couple generations, english takes root and doesn't let go. Rubio is just trying to throw red meat to his base by doing

You know, people here are pretty quick to make fun of this policy but maybe there's something to it. I mean, yeah, yeah, poor immigrants and everything but you know what? My great-great grandfather was a poor immigrant to North America and he believed that speaking the language was essential to getting on in the new

didn't Rubio watch the West Wing? this has been covered.

The GOP's Outreach Program — it's really working, no?

Ashlyn isn't that unusual, and I happen to like it.