
I kind of pathetically really want to hear more class-with-James-Franco anecdotes. I don't feel that strongly about him one way or another but just have a really amazing image of him after reading that green tea/study group thing. How was he rude to people who spoke to him? Did he ever participate?

I don't think it's unfair to say about Jerry Lewis, who hasn't done anything of note in comedy in a long, long time. It would be unfair to say it about Betty White or Joan Rivers.

Well doesn't that just say it all. I've long been of the opinion that the absence of women in comedy isn't just about sexist audiences/comedy club owners, it's about the way we as a culture see women. Genteel, delicate symbols of loveliness that should never "diminish their qualities". But comedy isn't about

I'm grey. You're grey. We're ALL GREY

Oh dear, an old white man with strong opinions on my gender, how ever shall I survive?

I never actually struck up a conversation with the guy, since he was horrifyingly rude to anyone who did, assuming that the only reason anyone would talk to him was because he was famous. (This belief persisted even when, say, assigned to a study group and addressed by members of that study group.)

I can't speak for the rest of Jezebel, but he reminds me of several people I went to art school with—mainly the kids in the fine art department who loved the smell of their own farts and thought that anyone who did contract work was a commercial sellout. (I was more into graphic design and illustration, myself, so

If people don't have English accents how will we be able to tell the movie is set in the Olden Days?

He's educated. Also, he's been successful in several different lines of work.

Jezebel tends to hate anyone who isn't wallowing in Honey Boo Boo levels of 'folksy ignorance'.

Let me be clear, my big obese ass is as real as Kate Upton's.

I'm fat (size 22-24) and my stomach fat is like a big flat flap over my pelvis so I get a visible belly line above my thighs but no muffin top unless I'm wearing low-riding bottoms. Your high-waist is about three inches above your belly button and on lots of body shapes that is the narrowest part of the torso = no

I call it "The Lucille".

I like the emphasis on the Boy Scouts. I think it has a bigger long-term impact on acceptance, because it's easier to just not make a kid homophobic than it is to get an adult to stop being homophobic, and I'm glad GLAAD is working to make a difference in the lives of children, and not just adults (marriage being

So Downton Abbey! (except no finger wave)

I honestly hope you are just as passionate about the shitty food industry since it's pretty textbook that exercise AND a balanced diet leads to better health. You can talk exercise and being overweight leading to x disease all fucking day but unless you are also concerned with food deserts, GMOs, and the government

He has a head?

Lesson: Dogs are not always bright and my mother is often wrong

I was confused by the assertion that strippers are all 'getting off' on being looked at. I'm sure some do, but I imagine that for the vast majority it's just a job. They don't do it to express female power or get off on their sexuality any more than I come to work to express female power or get off. It's for money.

I think this sort of defeats the purpose. The real thing I love about fanfic *is* the porn. It is one of the best spaces for queer resistance and creation. Whereas there seems to be pressure to have m/f pairings in original erotica, the reverse is true in fanfic - m/m is the most common, and f/f is so much more common

Dammit. Now I want some Stamon (Defan?) refinancing fic!