Yes. Your point? How is this NOT being classist? Is there anything laughable about a hoodie and a chain other than that they are not considered fashionable to people in your socioeconomic group?
Yes. Your point? How is this NOT being classist? Is there anything laughable about a hoodie and a chain other than that they are not considered fashionable to people in your socioeconomic group?
Sometimes it's both! You know the "modern woman" - she's a multitasker!
If someone of greater social status and power mocks and humiliates someone with less power and less social status for no reason other than superficial trappings, and that's NOT bullying, what the hell is bullying??!
But that's the whole point - this guy got a promotion and maybe it's a step towards making his life better. To you it's just a shit job so you think it's laughable that he's 'boasting' about it. But why should we all mock him for it? I mean, to Bill Gates every single promotion any of us has ever had is laughable,…
Question: do slutty women who slut around showing the boobs and legs and butts off in immodest clothing and distracting Good Men from their schooling and work and Man Business fall under the "single mothers" or the "abortion-sluts" category?
It is explicit public shaming of random individuals who did nothing wrong, because the author saw the way they look and act and decided that they deserved to be mocked in front of thousands of strangers. I'm not sure what definition of bullying is, but this certainly fits mine.
I kinda take issue with all the hate directed at the dude who describes himself as 'a nice guy.' I get that there's a difference between 'nice guys' and Nice Guys,' but honestly, you can't tell which he is from that picture. Maybe 'nice guy' in this case means he is a genuinely decent human being, and also male. …
It might not be bullying but it is rather mean spirited and hostile against people who are not advocating anything really bad unless you happen to hate icp that much that even thier fanbase existance is an offense. It's simple elitist mean girl mean spirited mocking of people juist because they happen to be in a less…
I agree. Juggalos are ridiculous, yes, but mockery of individuals within that subculture seems meanspirited. Make fun of the group as a whole, if you must (because frankly they are hilarious), but don't pick on some socially awkward dude just trying to find his Juggalette soulmate. Nothing these guys have said in…
It is not too cool. I'm pretty sure you could cherry pick quotes from any OKC profile and use them to justify mocking someone - my old one included (though it's been a while, me and Ms. Dubious now live together happily). Online dating isn't the best thing, and it has a lot of problems, but shaming people who aren't…
So what exactly is the point of this article? I mean, most articles on this site try to discuss an issue or an important topic or even just have a laugh. So what is the topic here? People with odd hobbies want to have a date? Is that so odd it deserves a special article all about it? Why stoop there, lets find all the…
Worse, this is just second hand - Jezebel just decided to take someone's snarky Tumblr account and put it on blast to a wider audience for clicks.
Agreed. Honestly, in mannerisms juggolos basically just come off as non-urban-ghetto, and in personality a lot of them seem like fairly nice (if ridiculous) people who are just trying to find some sort of community.
Anyone else suddenly miss Emma Carmichael?
Sex and the City 2.
God allegedly frowns upon suicide. Now he is going to have to spend eternity with the homosexuals he so despises.
It refers to his genitals.
meh. I'm gonna venture that John Cameron Mitchell did it better with Shortbus, and there was no weird "you are an ACTRESS" and "you are a PORN STAR" and now the twain shall digitally meet.
I once had a nightmare that I had a crack baby. It just WOULD NOT stop smoking crack! I'd leave him in his crib to fall asleep, and then I'd hear the scratching of a lighter, and walk in to find him back on the pipe.