I can't get into another trashy drama about ladies. My heart's still broken over the lost of GCB.
I can't get into another trashy drama about ladies. My heart's still broken over the lost of GCB.
I... don't know about this. Jess could go either way, but I strongly take issue with your comment about her job. She liked being a teacher. I'm not sure why someone who enjoys teaching should aspire to "something greater" than being a teacher, or what greater aspiration there would be. Jess is arguably stunted in…
Nice shirt Metta. Now there's something that should have stayed in the closet.
because wearing that shirt isn't going to magically turn you into a lustful cookie monster.
If you are female Pine is a better bet.
If you believe that it's OK to wear man-made clothing outside in the winter to protect yourself, I don't see how it's not OK to use man-made medicines to protect yourself. The argument that "if God wanted the child to live he would have saved him" is just as stupid as saying "if God wanted my baby to not die of…
They should have all of their children taken away from them immediately. If you fail to provide your children with adequate medical care, then you should not have children. Simple as that.
They were being efficient. That way, instead of wasting time loading the gun when they got there, they could just burst out of the car and start shooting.
Besides, what if they had run into a criminal along the way? The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to have a gun yourself. It's not like you can just call a…
Before they handed me a set of keys and said "have at it"- I had to take a class, take a written test, take a practicum test to get a license and then prove I had valid insurance on a vehicle. And every new vehicle I decide to buy, gets added to the insurance- I don't get to have "secret" vehicles. Why is it so much…
It's not that I would ever say a little girl needs to wear a full-body one piece (frankly, those things are a pain in the butt to get off when wet and little kids have impatient bladders). I just don't see the point in the top half of the suit on a four or five year old. I think it's unnecessary and overemphasizes…
I feel the same way. I think the only issue that anyone should take with anything is the fact that Gwyneth marketed them "to the little girl who wants to look grown up". Its not about looking grown up, its about being comfortable. And the less wet clothes you have on when swimming, the better. Frankly, I don't…
Probably less to do with "doing the cooking and cleaning" and more to do with having to go through pregnancy, IMO.
I really do not understand how Jezebel doesn't implode from the contradictory messages that it continues to broadcast. I have read article after article after article about how the tabloids need to leave Kim Kardashian's body alone, and I fail to see how this completely banal post does anything but participate in the…
I like how we live in a world where we tell high schoolers to not care what people think about you, to be yourself... then spend the rest of our lives judging people for what they wear and how they act.
This, after only a week? Hello my newest real life hero.
I don't know that they're being sold it, but I've certainly heard/read numerous things from women professing some sort of deeper level of understanding of environmental issues because they are "the givers of life". As though the mere presence of a womb automatically makes a person more attuned to the plight of the…
Jeez, Mindy, if you don't like jazz just say so.
As a side note, are they charging these people when rescuers have to risk their lives and flight time in precious helicopters when they make an oopsie on their OMGZ XTREEEEME Experiential Journeys?