
How completely irrelevant. Was that an attempt at pulling the old "but things are just as bad in America, see!" card?

In what I believe would be accurately called a catch 22, the best way to combat that sort of attitude and perverted preconceptions would be... education.

If your holy men start telling you that it's better to murder children than to allow women to learn, you'd do well to get a second opinion. And that's part of the problem; how can any of us truly comprehend the levels of cultural isolation that lead to such a perverted interpretation of Islam (or any religion) to

I remember that story because the teacher's response to it was "Some people just really don't like math." Best understatement of the year.

Exactly. I work damn hard at being (politely, warmly, tactfully) direct with my dating partners. Sadly, this has more often than not produced unpleasant results. There are lots of men who do NOT want honest communication, and who will sulk, or get angry, or otherwise "punish" a woman who engages in it. Based on

The two aren't mutually exclusive. The first could be thought of as a difference between two means, and the second as the amount of distribution (or spread) around the mean.

This pisses me the fuck off. Men who are afraid of educated women are the scum of the earth.

I'm just commenting to say, Ooh! Interesting theories.

I must admit, I do feel as though I'm constantly being told to mask my emotions, while simultaneously being told I need to be direct and straightforward about them. It is very frustrating. What do you want, society?!

Love the HuffPo, but not for my social-science information....nor "regular science" info! :) But I think we agree that that a story on a study (published in a questionable journal, using only 22 participants, and presenting correlational - GLM and regression analyses- data) should never use the words "it's true",


That's because even a broken clock is right twice a day.

I think this would be more interesting if it could be replicated in a more natural setting. It's very rare that I have to discern my wife's emotions from looking only at her eyes; typically I also have access to body language, context and, rather crucially, verbal cues. Even when interacting with a woman that I don't

"It's true: Men can't read women's emotions, study confirms."

I think a great deal of these guys' problems is that they are not getting laid and therefore blame women for it instead of their dumbass selves.

It makes me sadder every day that it's these people that the American society is compared to. I don't fault other countries for being jingoistic towards America when it's the vocal idiots that provide the examples, i.e. the fundamentalists, the gun -nuts, and just generally idiotic politicians.

I'd say I get joyous satisfaction from sex, beer, bagels, coffee, and tons of other meaningless "fun" things like swimming, hiking, reading, art, and movies. I'm not sure what this disappointment is you're talking about. Who lies on their deathbed wishing they'd gone outside less, seen less of the world, or had less

Glad that it's not just me concerned about this. The bombing of the Boston Marathon was heinous, but the accused in this country deserve due process. Our justice system is theoretically one of the many wonderful things about our country that makes us great and better than places like Iran and North Korea. Let's

Fashion 'icons' are all interesting and such - and I don't disagree with her assessment about design being angry or the weirdness that it skews heavily male when it comes to its stars (as do michelin chefs for that matter). But anything that men touch that is something where you would perhaps have seen a woman


Ehhhhh… What I'm really seeing is that classic dichotomy between women's work as craft and men's work as art. You definitely see the works of male designers lauded as art and creative masterworks far more than female designers.* My friends and I always roll our eyes when male designers are praised for "understanding