I know it's called Watertown, but that's not literal, bro. Dramatic boat escapes need a body of water to work.
I know it's called Watertown, but that's not literal, bro. Dramatic boat escapes need a body of water to work.
Can we get some POC opinions on this??????????????????????? Lindy, you're great, but I think it's safe to say that a lot of young, white ladies either don't "get" or "don't like" Perry's work (me included). This is not a novel revelation. And it's been discussed before.
Nah. She would probably say that being racist is just telling the truth. "There is a reason that stereotypes exist" is a popular saying among this type of racist.
I imagine that when this reaches the Supreme Court, Justice Scalia will have thoughtful, measured, and reasonable comments about gay conversion therapy.
What's great is that after this woman spoke out, many more Muslim women found the courage to report what happened to them after the devastating marathon bombing. Apparently it happened multiple times in Boston and its suburbs.
OK. Obviously this girl is HORRIBLE.
Even when I was in college sorority girls SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME. This is proof of why - how in the hell do you become so insanely dedicated to a club you are in?
I just read that entire email aloud and now I feel magnificent.
When is this rapture that was promised so long ago finally going happen? I'm getting fed up with these religious fucktards. Go the fuck away. Let your little fucking bigot soul be used to stoke the furnaces of heaven in the never ending war between God and the Devil.
I showed this video in my multicultural women's studies class 2 weeks ago, and I had *just* managed to get it out of my head. Now it's back. Thanks, CVS racist.
Hey now, if the racism is part of a sincerely held religious belief, then the CVS employee in question is a 1st amendment hero, so I have to ask: Why do you hate America, Jezebel?
The white person's preference for darker skin is a class thing, not a race thing. Once-upon-a-time when labor was mostly something you did outdoors, fair skin was a sign of wealth and privilege because it meant you didn't have fields to hoe out in the sun; that started to change with the rise of industrialization when…
Her outfit's not scandalous at all. She's wearing a white shirt and a red plaid skirt— maybe it's schoolgirlish but it's still viable as clothing. I wouldn't have any qualms wearing something like that to work.
Well, now clearly- if you are a child who has same sex attraction and your parents decide you need therapy for it, you probably DO need a therapist to sit you down and tell you "Your parents are hateful people who are scared by this thing we in the profession like to call 'Life'. It's gonna be hard for you, they'll…
We can't deny therapists the right to present information? I'm guessing these are the same ass holes who are in favor of forcing doctors to give misinformation and unnecessary medical procedures to women seeking abortions. I may die of hypocrisy overdose.
I'm all for clamping down on any scam like this, be it conversion-therapy, astrologists, anti-vaxxers or dowsers.
There was a rape conviction at a University in Ontario where the rapist had all kinds of letters from the diocese, hockey coaches, etc- all talking about what a good person the accused was (Mark Yetman if you want to google)
That's the bonus square. All rapists are nice people.
Oh, but there's a square missing! Faculty and students defend rapist on the grounds that s/he is a good student or talented athlete. Or just, you know, a nice person.
This is ABSOLUTELY the wrong response- but I really want Christopher Guest to make a movie about a morning show now. Catherine O'Hara as the ousted reporter, replaced by Parker Posey- Eugene Levy and Bob Balaban as on air talent, and Jennifer Coolidge and Jane Lynch as producers and Michael McKean and Fred Willard and…