
Pingu_Sanchez is an (admitted) troll. Stop feeding him.

Pingu_Sanchez is a troll. I'm not speculating here; he brags it about another thread. Stop feeding him.

I'm trying to keep a running list in my head, but yeah, we really do need a troll patrol again. :(

I miss troll patrol. Maybe we need to have "Troll: Do Not Reply" list?

Now playing

I guess Mr. CK has more than one rape joke. Behold:

Yes - it's like the guy who hates a high maintenance woman but wants her to look perfect all the time.

New Zealand government is voting tonight on a law that would make same-sex marriage legal. It's very likely to pass comfortably. This is only a little bit relevant to the lovely/sad pansy story, but I wanted to share some good news.

Most girls would at least hold out for a value meal though :-P

I hope this gets a ton of internet traffic. This would make an amazing pay it forward. Daisies for the victims of domestic violence. Sunflowers for crimes against animals. It would be the idea of literally planting peace all over the world. (More flower suggestions wanted.)

Not to mention the bee-beard/no bee-beard cliche! Women and their fucking bee-beard lust, amirite?

Ha! I was just going to comment the same. Pansy=weak is wrongity wrong wrong. Just another example of the larger culture misunderstanding (purposefully or not) a truth.

Oh no!!!! My Pulitzer!!!!!!!!!!!

But don't you know how undateable her rotten teeth make her?

If by "odder" you mean "second most maddening thing ever," I'd be there with you.

This is kind of a recent white phenomenon in my opinion only and not yours I promise®. As an unmarried young latina hiding out in school until the job market is slightly less heinous, I live with my parents because I'm young and unmarried and in school and this is how we do. I don't know what all the millennial angst

Yes. I wrote an article once about 10 reasons my husband was wrong. He asked for an alternate view and viola! I wrote 10 reasons that I was right. It was epic.

Think of all the time it takes to groom that little mustache. Can you say high maintenance? When will men realize that women like it when they're natural and fresh-faced?

Its because of all the male respondents. Which means she has NO IDEA who her audience is. Men read my column so I should tell women how to change.

So this lady wrote a list of 'Men who won't marry you' and then, when asked to do a female version, wrote 'Women who won't be able to get men to marry them'. So the emphasis remains on marriage as being something that women have to convince men to do. Blergh.

I never understood the point of the list by Samantha Daniel. People don't want to be around people with negative traits? NO SHIT?