
Every member of a group feels more closely tied to other members of their own group than others. Is this an Iraqi news website? Where do I display any nationalism or patriotism? Was, "it is sad when it happens anywhere" beyond your reading comprehension level? And since you want to play that game, what did you do for

Now playing

I was going to make a similar comment. I can see criticizing Kristof for making the comment on the same day as the bombing: waiting a day or so might have been more sensitive. But yeah, his comment was relevant to the story at hand and other than the timing, I don't see the problem.

As a "literary device?" Which one would that be, hyperbole, metaphor, simile, metonymy, litotes? It is sad when it happens anywhere, and it is sad when it happens here, but you clearly have a problem understanding how and when to question things. You should probably work on that.

This calls for the Magneto cupcake gif.

You say that, but whenever Daenerys is on screen now she tends to yell at the telly "Burn the bastards with your dragons girl!!" She thinks it's the perfect solution to everything.

I make mine suffer by popping all of his ingrown zits. I even gave him a fancy razor and he still let it rust. Men, I tell ya.

Cersei didn't drag the chair loudly. She gracefully plucked it and placed it at her father's side opposite Littlefinger.

On #1 - I've heard the theory that Tyrion set that up to build Podrick's confidence. He needs Podrick to be more badass so he's grooming him a bit. There was too much made of the gold purse and payment in the scene for there not to be some subtext to it.

I never thought I'd be saying "poor Jaime," but poor Jaime. :(

1: Them prostitutes refusing pod's gold because he was such an epic virgin love machine made me scoff for a full 5 minutes. There better be more to that.

PSA: Don't trust the New York Post on anything at all. They are making shit up and they're not exactly credible to begin with. It's infuriating that twitter is filled with tweets about the "Saudi Arabian suspect."

This is really interesting in contrast to the other common caregiving profession in the U.S., namely home health aides for seniors. I've left the field, but I worked many years with many, many lovely (and less-than-lovely) HHAs, CNAs, LPNs and RNs all involved in the administration of senior care. Almost every

It's definitely domestic. My opinion its gun nuts.

That's really interesting! On one hand, I'm like "go Cali!" but on the other hand, it's kind of BS that they can't elect to stay home and raise the child with the equivalent $ that the daycare costs. I'll bet it's one of those "salvation through hard work" schemes that enforces the moral power of trading labor power

I guess there is a difference between "childcare" and what we (in NZ) call "early childhood education". With the former, my children have been in the care of an experienced mother with no formal education qualification and she was amazing. Now my older one is at what we call kindergarten (preschool for 3 and 4 year

Someone in the Gawker thread just suggested this could be a Boston-Tea-Party themed act of domestic terrorism since it's Boston, and Tax Day. It had better not be. I swear to fucking dog, someone had better not have blown up a bunch of people to make a point about the federal income tax. There's only so much crazy

Pfft. If you're a poor single mother then you'd best be working at least 50 hours a week (and spending hours a day on the bus to your job) and still be barely able to make ends meet. Then we'll all criticise you for not spending enough time with your kids. Because we're all about family values up in here.

I thought it was so interesting how this issue came up in the last election. Ann Romney was lauded as suuuuch a wonderful mom for "choosing" to stay home and raise her kids. But anyone wanting welfare to support themselves so that they could make the same choice to stay home and raise their kids? Those were bad,

Your link you provided only proves my point... there isn't any GOOD data... only rhetoric... like "There are 100,000 arrests annually for prostitution." which might as well say "we made 100,000 prostitution-related arrests. See how we deserve our oversized police budget?"

Not to go all raging socialist, but we need to nationalize this shit like, yesterday. Either that, or pay fulltime caregivers a wage (maybe in the form of a big tax refund/credit or something). If we truly support the merits of both productive work and strong families - something both parties give tons of lip