Nope, I'm right there with you :(.
Nope, I'm right there with you :(.
Full disclosure: I hope it pushes readership way, way up.
But I'm intrigued by the notion of a kind of hydraulic self-balance among Denton's audience. Does that mean that, every time I send a link to a new reader, another Jeze / Gawker / Deadspin reader goes blind?
People need to stop excusing Bieber's comment in the Anne Frank guestbook as a simple side-effect of his being so young. He's 19. When I was 16, I went to see an exhibit about Maus I and II (Art Spiegelman's graphic novel bio about his father's experience with the Holocaust) in the art museum here in Kansas City and…
Actually, it looks like Barbie is not only not wearing make-up but they've turned her into a dyed blonde and aged her several years.
That's not true. A muff must have fluff, but a minge needs no fringe.
Bieber later toured Auschwitz where he remarked that it was too bad so many Jews died without having a chance to hear his music.
I want to hate George W. I really, really do. I mean, look at all of the damage he did to the world in less than a decade. But between the mediocre paintings and the holding of the baby, and the aging, it's getting harder. He just seems so...human.
So Amanda Seyfried really is Lily Kane.
Alright, I'm not totally getting what Amanda Seyfried is saying. She has to imagine a dick hitting the back of her throat to get the notes right?
Lucky you. We did cats in my AP Anatomy class.
Guys, GUYS!! It's not just the makeup, okay? It's more about all the shit women feel that they have to do to fit in with societal beauty standards, and/or be considered young and attractive. To include, but not limited to:
That doesn't look like Barbie minus makeup. It looks like Barbie plus meth.
Just to clarify, I'm not saying women need makeup to look good or criticizing in the slightest women who don't wear makeup. But I've never met a woman where the transition from makeup to no makeup made her look like she hadn't slept in a…
I like that link and those representations better. That image is just really bad.Why couldn't she have been fresh-faced, natural and beautiful.Why the bags, yellow teeth and the unkempt hair. Is this person trying to make the point that without makeup this is what women look like? Kind of insulting.
Why does taking makeup off make her teeth yellow???
Why does Barbie without makeup suddenly have yellow teeth and braces? I mean, I know the second I take my makeup off my braces reappear, but I thought that was a human thing, not a doll thing.
Holy shit. You mean to tell me that all I had to do when I had braces was to put makeup on and they'd disappear?!? Dammit to Hades! My puberty could have been SO MUCH EASIER!!
I just don't understand why she has to be so ugly without makeup. Lots of women wear no makeup at all and look gorgeous anyway.
It takes 60 minks to make one coat. So i'd guess not. But I don't think the primary objection to fur is that it's raised inhumanely anyway—it's just so totally unnecessary Arguments can be made that eating meat is unnecessary too, but there are always caveats (people with severe anemia probably shouldn't etc) that…