
Agreed. I actually posted a long response to the OP regarding whether or not they're victims elsewhere in the thread. (tl;dr: No, they are victims of a society - as many of us are - that's peddled a false American dream and backwards ideals. They're not victims just because they're prostitutes)

Fair is fair. ;)

You're the one who brought up your hourly pay. Being condescending to someone saying you're lucky and financially well off - because you are - is pretty unnecessary. No one said that just because you're paid well means you don't have problems.

We really are on the same page. My only (tangential, yes) point was that your initial "just get a loan" comment seemed terribly reductive to me. And I think you've answered your own question as to "why are we seeing these women as victims, then?" in your OP:

That last quote, just ugh. What is even the rationale there? "It is okay to criticize women for this because they are women and not men." How does that even compute?

You're calling out the entire US over a British tabloid feud.

Student loans aren't always easy to come by. Cosigners, credit scores, already having too much debt - there are a lot of factors that can make it difficult, if not impossible, to get a loan. I'm not saying this is the case for all these women, but to say "just get yourself a loan, dummy!" ignores a lot of

What disservice would that even be? Misery is preferable to happiness? Jesus, some people.

A combination of confidence and knowing what (who) she wants must be the reason, right? It's flattering to have someone pursue you, regardless of gender, as long it's not a creepy PUA-style of pursuit.

You make good points, but did you really expect anyone to listen when your first sentence was "grow up"? Come now, that's not how one starts a debate.

I'll understand you thinking that's how politics works, alright, but there's no way you actually think Obama thought up "Obamacare," right? Because....seriously?

Drake may have gotten turned out of the locker room, but he was definitely at the after party. I mean, I hate the Heat, but the pics from it are hilarious.

I hope you still think that. :)

This is going to sound incredibly corny, but as a young person (26 still counts, right?), I would like to say thanks to all the Jezzies over the last couple years that haven't only taught me to be more accepting of myself, but also to realize how awesome it can be to be young - despite it feeling just fucking awful

Totes worth the scroll.

Eyeball shots.

I wouldn't consider it a faux pas, especially since you're good friends with the groom. It's a lovely and thoughtful gift - I would love it! If you're truly worried, and can afford the extra expense, perhaps tack on something small, $10 or so (most decent human beings will have inexpensive items like cooking utensils,

Plus, even if you live relatively close, you still have to shell out for a hotel, perhaps new clothes or shoes, even. That's not cheap in the slightest, and I'm willing to bet that expense alone covers your plate. Sheesh.

I was always told asking for cash for the honeymoon is tacky as well, even if you wrap it up in "here's an espresso date." Does this not apply anymore? Because I don't need ten thousand new towels, I want to travel!

You tried, that's the point, and absolutely should have gotten a thank you note. What a brat your co-worker is. Next time, just use the registry or, if all else fails, a check for what you can afford. People are getting rather ridiculous with their expectations these days.