She's not, which is worse - because people will continue taking her bait.
She's not, which is worse - because people will continue taking her bait.
Whoa, you are good at jokes, huh?
Oh, I don't think she's a troll, she's just obnoxious and toxic. Yesterday she told a transman to do the world a favor and kill himself after he said he was suicidal.
Oh my, I never had that experience. My accent is actually rather atrocious, and I spent most of my time in Malaga - never once did I hear that, and especially not in such a sexist manner. However, many of the people I hung out with actually wanted to speak English more than Spanish much of the time - just a way to…
I don't think anyone really thinks that. The real reason is more insidious and xenophobic to the core: these are the same type of people who get peeved they have to choose a language on the ATM. What they really want is to hear no other language spoken here, ever again.
The why? is an easy question to answer. They simply do not want you here. You're taking our jobs and driving down real estate prices and helping Democrats win. It's awfully simple.
I was similarly dumbfounded by "h" being pronounced "hache". Zed I could handle, but I could never get my mouth to regularly barf up that letter. It really does feel like I'm trying to make myself vomit.
Similar story: While traveling in Spain, I was, well, obviously speaking Spanish with a friend, and an American started going off to his friend about how dumb the language sounded. To which I replied, in my bland Midwestern accent (I'm American, as well), "you, sir, are a fucking douche, and the reason everyone hates…
Ew. Thanks for the info.
It makes me hope that he was there as a spy, but I think the chances of that are awfully slim.
Please, don't feed her.
I used to work by a naval base, and when those guys came into the restaurant we either forced a guy to wait on them or literally drew straws. The. Worst.
Can you explain what exactly "trou" means? I understand it's derogatory, but I'd appreciate enlightenment. All I've got is "trousers" - as in, ladies are only good for getting in their pants.
Before Kinja 2.0, there was a "meet-ups" page that was almost never used. It was always advertised on the COTD articles. If it still exists, I'd say that's a good place to start. If it doesn't exist anymore, try Groupthink!
I am so sorry you had to go through that - are still going through it. What an awful, terrible, betrayal, that I truly cannot even imagine. The only things I will say further on the subject of sluts is that, slut or not, a friend wouldn't do that to someone. Ever. She could have a million sex partners, but only a…
(Uhh, wtf Kinja fail)
Well, we're both guilty. I should have realized much, much sooner. (What are the odds Jane and proud are the same person? Pretty good, right?)
Yes, it's bad satire, I agree, but I don't think commenters saying that since they're sluts, they enjoy their slutty friends more because they have more in common, is promoting a madonna/whore complex. People are allowed to have their own preferences on who they choose to befriend - and the author certainly isn't…
Seriously, go fuck yourself. We are not on the same side, and never will be. You're a goddamn monster.
You're putting words in mouth that I never said. I did not once diminish your experiences, nor did I ever compare them to simply regretting sex. Go try to make someone else feel guilty over having said nothing of the sort.