
And again, that person is a radical feminist, and my very first response to you, in fact, was to advise that most here aren't like that. You've gotten a good many responses NOT agreeing with her, so you keep asking this question of the wrong people - we don't think all drunken sex is rape. You need to differentiate

Because I felt in control enough to made the personal and rational decision to consent - and had, in fact, considered it before I was even very drunk. This is personal to me - obviously every person has their own limits. Why should I think I was raped in the first scenario when I wanted to have sex? You keep asking

No one is saying all drunken sex is rape. Except maybe Jane, but you should see by now that her views are clearly anti-men and anti-trans* in general. There is an obvious difference between being drunk and consenting to sex, and being drunk to the point of being unconscious, immobile, or clearly unable to make any

Oh, I see the conversation you're talking about. Listen: it is horrible what you went through, and obviously there are varying degrees of intensity and horror regarding a victim's own emotions in being raped, but rape is rape is rape. We don't need to have a conversation on "which is worse" - because rape is horrible n

Can you link me to this discussion? Because I'm having a hard time understanding what exactly the situation you're talking about here entails.

Okay, bye then.

I think Nami Chati did a good job summarizing why the word is being used - reclaiming it, empowerment, etc. But what I'm gleaning from your responses is more that you take issue with women being sluts at all, and then having the nerve to be proud of it - encourage it, even. Personally, I don't like the implications of

I'm not going to engage you regarding your beliefs here, which you are entitled to, but my point was most of us here do not agree with you, and OP should know that before writing off the entire community of commenters.

Almost no one does. Only Hillary is eligible for good friend status now.

At home, in the kitchen, duh. We ladies are simply for consumption whilst in public. Haven't you heard?

I agree. The label of satire doesn't really help anyone's cause, but that is one of Jez's most common offenses. I think they should have just gone full-on absurdist with it: "10 Reasons Ladies Who Wear Scrunchies Make Better Friends," because it would be just as ridiculous.

They needed fresh meat?

Serious question here: I always thought the paleo diet was basically just Atkins with a fancier philosophy behind it - am I wrong? They seem oddly similar from the little I know about the two.

Bar abandonment is a no-no. The couple times I went home with a random dude from a bar or club, I stayed until close with my friend and either made sure they had a cab or actually walked them back home first. Good friends put friends first, and THEN get their slut on. :)

When you say "the antithesis of slut-shaming" do you mean "virgin-shaming"? Because, although that's a very real thing as well, that's not what is happening in this satirical article.

Of course it's just as unhelpful, but the last sentences of the article (which you've apparently missed) say outright that's not the point being made here:

I don't think the satire was fully obvious until the last sentence, though. I'm sure most just skimmed and jumped straight to the comments.

That didn't have anything to do with your friends being sluts, it was just them being shitty friends.

Aw, my best slut moved to Atlanta, so I feel your pain. If you're ever in Chicago, let's hang out. We'll do it up slutty-style.

The worst part about that site is there are a few posts that are genuinely amusing/just fall under the people-watching category, like pics of some guy drinking a 40 at 6 am - because, hell, we've all had those days, right? - but mostly they're just low, mean-spirited jabs.