I was valedictorian, and I had plenty of fun in high school, too. Let's ditch the boring nerd stereotype, yeah?
I was valedictorian, and I had plenty of fun in high school, too. Let's ditch the boring nerd stereotype, yeah?
I didn't have enough time to properly brace myself for the ridiculousness on this thread! So much argle bargle women r ruining teh comiczzzz boobs are awesum!1! already.
I suppose it's because her continuing fame isn't really all that surprising. She's having a baby with one of the biggest stars on the planet and people do still worship her.
I'd be very curious as to who you didn't know on this list, because I find it highly improbable someone could have escaped the last decade and a half without knowing these people.
Yeah, I brought up smallpox with an anti-vaxxer recently. They did not give one shit about it. Just kept going on about formaldehyde. I was like one sociopathic neuron away from wishing her kid would get smallpox.
Best Buddies is a program for people with developmental disabilities. Katie Meade has Down Syndrome, so it's likely she is actually very tiny. Although he is biiiiig dude.
You must be a Jets fan.
I can't see annotations so I'll take your word for it, but it still sounds like a joke to me. We can agree to disagree (but not about pretentious foodies!)
I feel like a terrible person, because my first thought upon reading that was, "damn it, will it be insensitive to still call my volleyball team the Dick van Spike Show if he dies?"
I really like how they have two biased entries to balance each other out.
I grew up just outside Chicago, and have never even heard of Perkins. Am I missing something amazing here?
In any case, I'm sorry you had to learn about it at all. It's a gross word/acronym - gross concept, gross sounding, and gross looking.
Yeah, that isn't sexist. If this was coming from a man, it would be called mansplaining. I haven't made up my own mind, it is all cause some sexy vegan...
Clearly this person is nuts, because autism is caused by vaccines, DUH.
Oh, well in that case, I'd like to start seeing labels that say "crushed beetles" instead of "carmine" and "coal derivative" instead of "red dye #40." That'll work out well! I'm just gonna stand in Whole Foods and laugh and laugh and laugh at the vegans and foodies. Cheaper than a bar.
"Ethical food choices" can be such a subjective phrase. Many of the anti-GMO people here are opposed because we don't yet know the environmental impact of them. Some people eat only organic for the same reason. Some folks don't eat red meat because of the impact to the land, both from grazing and overproduction of…
Huh? I'm pretty sure I've heard FUPA being slung around for a decade and a half.
Every single political diatribe in DC ends with God Bless America, God is on our money and in our pledge of allegiance, and you're surprised about this?
There's no legal basis for a state to revoke non-profit status based on non-discrimination, though. That makes no sense at all.