
Yeah, I’ve held my tongue about this issue for the 10+ years I’ve been on this site but no more. As a second wave feminist, porn isn’t empowering, it isn’t cool and it sucks to me. Yes, it’s my personal opinion and many disagree with me. That’s fine. To those people, tell me how gang bang, choking and bukkake are

I don’t give a shit if she stole them. I only laughed out loud when she told them.

This strikes me as putting the cart before the horse.

Ok so he may not diddle them himself. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they’re exposed to grown ups fucking, and sex in general, at way too young an age. And if that sounds like I’m judging him, it’s only because I’m judging him. He’s a nasty assed predatory skeevy as fuck opportunistic manipulative fucking scumbag

I agree. It's not funny or edgy, it's just crass.

But now that the memories are flooding in, the piece de resistance:

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He was also in an episode of “The Equalizer”. He played a pimp who was trafficking young girls, so totally gross. But still, really, really hot.

This!! Went in to get my pixie cut trimmed and shaped and I was sat down at the exact same time as a dude right next to me. He was getting some fancy hipster cut and style, the pomp on top fade on sides kind of thing... and we were finished at the same time, I was actually done slightly sooner. After I had paid and he

I don’t really plan on getting married and having kids at this point, but hypothetically, I would want to both keep my name and pass it down to my children. If I’m going to go through pregnancy and labor, then the product of said pregnancy and labor is going to have my name. Hypothetical Husband can hop on board or

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Or this sexy fireman who pets a kitten while he mixes drinks.

Some of us flatly refuse.

Fuck that. Flats or sneakers only.

To be fair, I’m pretty sure Chelsea could catch a dick whenever she wanted, too.

No matter how many times you say it, a lot of people on a certain side of the isle don't understand: intolerance of intolerance is not intolerant, it's the opposite. Tolerating intolerance is intolerance.

Any tips for licking a glass in public without looking insane or like you are grossly hitting on someone?

The holidays seem to have a special way of making you feel like crap if you’re alone.

So, I’m stuck in the grays and no one will ever see this, but: I have some real problems with this article. The tone is oddly sensationalizing and it focuses on a lot of random and unimportant deatils in a way that seems pearl-clutching and even, at times, strangely un-feminist for Jezebel.

They’re probably hoping they might at least get laid, even if there’s no longterm potential. It’s in the article, basically - ownership of toothbrush is enough for a casual thing. I don’t think that such a matter of gender, but rather one of longterm versus shortterm outlooks. That those also often seem to correlate

She's feeding a parasite with it.

In Sweden we say "Jul" for Christmas, which is a holiday that goes back to pagan times more tied to the time of year than anything else. Now, nominally most Swedes are Christians, but the word "Jul" (Yule) is not christian in itself, so it works for all faiths. Perhaps you guys could adopt Yule?