
Rahm requested federal funding; I have a feeling he’ll be getting the National Guard instead.

Having a dog can be quite expensive. Vet fees are insanely high, and if you have the kind of dog that needs regular grooming, that adds to it. There’s also the expense of a pet sitter when you travel, dog walker or day care if you are away from home for long stretches, poop bags that you have to buy on a regular

I have a coffee mug with my dog’s photo on it. It’s the best.

I was able to access the site. Still waiting for the blade though.

I finally watched Carol, and Kate Blanchette is the only reason the movie is any good. She’s mesmerizing to watch.

Prince only toned it down in later years because he became religious.


I still can’t get through.

There’s a bar in my neighborhood with a No Hipsters sign, and it’s legit.

There may not be a point, per se, but I’m too impatient to just stand there as the escalator slowly inches its way up.

I was so disappointed the first (and only) time I had Rick Bayless guacamole!

This seems like an insane level of organization to me. Also, this is basically a filofax. Does anyone remember those? Back in the day, everyone would show up for their work meetings with their leather-bound filofax in tow.

Their website still seems to be down. There’s no way they have 8 million blades on hand, so I suspect it will be a while before I can get a new one. I have one of the affected models, which I’ve been using for about 15 years with no problem. I guess I’ll just inspect anything I process in it for metal pieces while I

I’m not sure he realizes that other people exist.

I dunno. I saw some footage of the Wisconsin rally yesterday, and those people love him. It was kind of shocking to me, since this is the first time I’ve made myself watch any news coverage of Trump appearances.

I prefer my mythopoetic stew well-done.

I would know if I were sweating. Also, I’m in good shape and a 15 minute walk isn’t going to make me sweat, unless it’s very hot and humid outside. I only sweat when I’m working out or in the summer.

What grime? I work in an office all day, and I don’t sweat unless I’m outside on a hot Summer day.

I still can’t imagine that he did anything that bad on the plane. Maybe I’ve been bamboozeled by his looks and charisma, but it’s hard for me to picture him being anything other than an affable stoner.

I feel like she’s hot and good in bed, so men overlook the crazy at first until it becomes too much.