
She sounds insufferable.

Am I the only one who misses the guys doing the shell games?

Don’t forget Giggy!

What is the point of even going to a wedding if you can’t trash-talk it?

They would have to keep them off the mats, I would think. My dog would dig holes in those mats in no time flat.

I do. Especially if I’ve been on public transportation. But I’m a germaphobe.

When I had a dog, I never went barefoot in the house because I knew she was tracking in disgusting things on her paws. I wore socks or slippers at all times. For a while, I was wiping her paws with a grooming wipe after every walk, but that was too much work.

After reading those emails, I can’t believe she still went to Bali, or that she took her daughter and daughter’s bf with her.

It’s the worst. And what is the end-game with flirting at the gym? If you end up sleeping with them, or dating them, you then have to see them every fucking day at the gym afterwards, so ghosting is out. You have to change gyms or switch up your workout time and pray you don’t run into them.

The flowers from my father’s funeral were donated to a nursing home. That was a regular thing that the funeral home did. The houseplants from the funeral went home with some of the guests. I still have a peace lily from the funeral.

I work 35 hours a week now too, and it’s the best. I took a big pay cut, but it’s worth it to me for the improvement in my quality of life. I don’t have children though, so it’s easier for me to take a pay cut than it would be for a parent. Most people are forced to work those long hours just to support their

I think the truth is that he couldn’t get financing for a film featuring black transgender characters.

The real parents on that show are all dead now, so that problem has been solved.

I used to have a raised mole, and they grow and get gross looking. They have a root, so to get mine removed required surgery. Since the mole was near my mouth, the surgery made my lips look a little crooked for about six months until it “settled.” Flat moles are much better.

I found the piece interesting. I had no idea that people went to such lengths to look good on Instagram, and I’m curious about how it’s done. I didn’t mind the author making a little fun of the trend, because it’s a little silly to spend an hour and a half putting on make-up just to take a selfie. I know people make a

I actually remembered more than I thought I did, but still only got 50%. And I didn’t remember the most important thing, which was who got away with murder! And I still remember who shot JR on Dallas. I think there was just too much crazy shit to keep track of. Or I was drinking too much wine while I was watching.

It’s so true that no one gives a fuck. People only ask as a way of making polite conversation.

My thoughts tend to be depressing, which is why I try to avoid them. If I’m discussing issues with other people, that’s completely different.

Don’t feel silly. Below zero temps are not for the faint of heart! I was born in Wisconsin, and I still can’t handle it. I live in Chicago now, and I can’t wait to get the hell out to someplace warm.

I don’t know, I would probably be doing a lot of thinking while I was picking turnips and slopping the hogs and walking ten miles into town. Now I can listen to podcasts and not listen to my thoughts at all.