
That’s what the fifth paragraph was all about. Also, what does population size have to do with it other than there probably would be enough supply for the US to do it yet? Getting 84% of a population to buy EVs is an impressive feat whether it’s 6 million or 350 million people.

Any of the discussions regarding Norway’s oil exports aside, part of the reason why so many individuals & companies in Norway are buying EVs is because the nation is incentivizing it’s population to actually do so. Buyers of EVs receive all sorts of registration & tax breaks, key of which include no purchase/import

How do they make electricity? The way you’d expect.

I used to be all about flipping people off if they tailgated me or cut me off, etc. Now I just let things roll because in the last 30-ish years since I got my license road rage has gone from getting the bird back at you to this kind of shit. Ain’t worth it. Let the other idiot think they win - at least you can walk

That might be a fun Question of the Day: What does the term “luxury” mean to you?

RV’s are in no way a purchase you try and justify by expenses. You either want it or you don’t. Having a reduction in wear and tear on your tow vehicle, increase in fuel economy and the off grid power seems like an overall win to me.

This may actually be as bad as Alanis’ Pizza take. Let’s see... you start at the swamps of the poorly named “meadowlands” then you’ve got Newark and the airport, then through Elizabeth (do NOT get off here to walk around) then OH MY GOD WHATS THAT SMELL... then onto more swamps. Keep driving through East Windsor and

The only thought on my mind when I have to drive into New Jersey is to make certain I stop for gas in NY so I don’t have to deal with full service only gas stations. I absolutely hate full service only gas stations.

I got the feeling they are more concerned about other parts of the world. FedEx ships to 220 countries and territories, per their website.  I assume they need FAA permission since some of the flights to those other parts of the world will originate in the US.

I wonder if Erin would be quite as cool with stealing if thieves broke into her home and took her stuff. The thought experiment can assume that these thieves are “suffering from income inequality” or are “desperate”. Perhaps “shit has even been real” lately for them?

This weird apologist take is just bad. These people are thieves, stealing things from OTHER people who legitimately bought something despite the poor economy.

Yeah, my sympathies are with the people who paid (a lot—they’re not cheap) for epi pens to save their lives and didn’t get them, not with the vandals and thieves that _really_ need a hit of meth and trashed the life-saving pens. They’re not stealing food and blankets to care for their families, they’re just stealing

“Now, every outlet is calling these folks thieves, and sure, that’s technically correct.”

I should’ve stopped reading the first time Erin offered excuses for criminal behavior. But I kept reading and found more of it.

This weird apologist take is just bad. These people are thieves, stealing things from OTHER people who legitimately bought something despite the poor economy. This isn’t a stick-it-to-bezos thing. This is impacting folks like you and me who work to pay their bills, then get their hard-earned shit stolen by someone who

I don’t think all of those sentences deserved an exclamation point.

We don’t actually. Last year we had maybe one day of 1" of snow. I don’t think we’ve seen this much snow at once since 2016.

You “personal responsibility” people are sure high on your own supply aren’t you?

You really have a way of putting things that makes people who agree with you totally change their minds by the end.

<John Madden knew that if you have the time, driving is better than flying>