
I’d like to see all of the above. When you went to Germany to collect your Euro-Dodjiban, many commenters were very interested in the process of making the van, not only roadworthy, but registration-worthy. Many sites inform about the process of renting, owning, or driving a car overseas. But very very few go through

Came here to read the jabs, stayed for the solid Tracy Replies.

Good on your for recognizing the end of something and the start of something new! Can’t wait to see whats next. I’ve loved the whole “What will kill me first, tetanus, my neighbors, or my stories” thing, but a new beat will feel really good.

Also please

This has a name, its the Dr Who effect (sub-titled the Lost in Space effect, but it came later than DR W). Most of these shows we love and remember were aimed at kids (kids get there parents and g-parents to buy them toys). So they were given the smallest amount of money to get the show produced. Dr Who was actually

I did grow up on Knight Rider, I have several toys of KITT on my desk, I have opinions on Bonnie vs. April and RC3 vs. not having KITT turn into a bad convertible, but as someone who watched every episode as a kid and worried about KITT and Michael in every 2-parter, I can tell you that having the show in HD wasn’t

I miss being a kid. As a kid, I watched stuff like KITT and Star Wars and Kung Fu Action Theater and the like and thought “COOL!” not “how did they do that?” Now that I know how they do that stuff, I can watch high budget movies today with millions of dollars of CGI and special effects and I get distracted noticing

Come on, Jalopnik writers. I expect you understand why we can’t “just ban fossil-fueled cars at the moment” and this is just a troll. The problems with this statement, in no particular order...

I didn’t write that headline. "Fascinating" is what I went with.

Mmm this is good content

Ah, this makes more sense now.

Liking cars does not mean you have to like vaguely racist, quite imperialist ‘entertainment’ that has not evolved in any way since 2005 or so.

Now playing

For something with more action, watch this liver delivery by London cops in their SD1s:

My Uber drivers the week before the election suggested voting “yes.” I didn’t see a gun to their heads. While I do think those drivers could probably get paid better, as someone who does a lot of freelance and pays for my own healthcare I see driving for Uber like one of those envelope-stuffing jobs—if you’re doing it

if your business model only works because you use slave labor and treat employees like shit then your business model doesnt work at all.

This thing looks absolutely awesome. Bravo for keeping the manual too.

And we got medical weed and a new state flag in Mississippi.

I keep a spare key to house and truck and then I can never get locked out of anything.

No it doesn’t. When I go kayaking, I leave my phone in the car. I have to take the silly little door key out of the fob on my keyless car, lock the fob and phone in my car using the keyhole like it’s 1993 all over again. Carefully wrap the key (I ocean kayak I don’t want rust) in a waterproof bag. But it inside my dry

No it doesn’t. My in-laws have Fords, and if we’re together we ride with them. If we go to a family gathering or event of some kind and need to grab a folding chair or coat from the car, I don’t have to find my father in law for the keys. I can just go to the truck, type in the code, and grab whatever. Smartphones

The rise of the smartphone makes this a relic of a solution.

Not if you want to lock both your keys and your phone in the car.  Presumably to go skinny dipping.