
Great article, Patrick. My take is we have collectively lost our damn minds. The collective keeping up with the Joneses paradigm never seems to go away, especially when it comes to vehicles.

Lots of good cars out there under 25k. Even really nice ones these days (cough Mazda3, Mazda6, Civic, Elantra, etc...). People want SUVs, and they think they want big SUVs, and you can charge for those... so people do dumb things.

Even the “HBP” shouldn’t have happened

Wasn’t Bill Buckner fault why they lost. I always feel bad when players are label like that. Same with Steve Bartman. Shit sucks

This description really undersells how bad Hader was. He still should’ve gotten out of it, if not for Zimmerman’s bloop falling in between everybody, but had no command and earned those runs.

I’m not trying to be an ass, but I hate this take. The world doesn’t have to work like that. They could use common sense...throw the flag, then get together and decide to pick it up. Then if their supervisor wants to review after the game, the supervisor could choose to not punish them, because in this circumstance

I personally performed many of the checks on these cars at our dealership. Initially, the recall was a simple “check and report” style recall where some cars would be taken off the road and some given back to customers based on severity of the damage we found.

That changed about a month after the original recall was

I once came across a bunch of brand new, abandoned MG and Rover products sitting under an overpass in downtown Beijing. This was about 15 years ago, in 2005/2006 when that company’s future was totally up in the air.

Pats Fans at 7AM: Those texts weren’t that threatening! It was hyperbole! What’s the big deal?

Excellent read.

The closest minor league park (single A Lakewood) to me offers $5 general admission tickets. Children five and under do not require tickets. On Sundays and Mondays, kids eat for free. Parking is $5. So when I take my kids, 5 and 7, to a game, I pay $10 for 2 tickets and $5 for parking. Once we get inside the

Two thoughts competing in my head:

Needs to reach 311 mph.

Pretty insensitive to put “No Hitter Alert” in the crawl, though. 

I feel like you could’ve helped progress the process of not tying everything Osaka does back to that moment by not using the entire final paragraph of this article to tie Osaka’s actions in this unrelated match that didn’t even feature Williams back to that moment.

Did you read the article? Did you miss the portion that describes how two males had sex with the victim against her will? That, yeah, that’s rape. And then your cornhusker saved the video, of a person being raped by two people, and sent it to the victim years later to humiliate and shame her, for being raped. Maybe

I don’t see how he wins this, Taco Tuesday is already owned as a trademark by the Wyoming chain Taco John’s. Trying to step on their existing commercialization of the trademark is likely impossible, even though they don’t have a podcast. One of our many degenerate attorneys can feel free to tell me I’m an idiot,

My dad has these same symptoms. First lost his drivers license, then couldnt be left alone, now deciding where he will live the rest of his days. A vibrant hard working man reduced to quiet or rage. It’s the absolute worst thing imaginable. He didn’t play football, but as a parent, there was no way I was letting a kid

If there was a young man in literally any other profession who made $100 million before he was 30 and decided to retire, he would be lauded. The Wall Street Journal would write thousands of words of wankery praising his acumen and smarts and god bless America.

I really like Serena. I wanted her to cap off her comeback from giving birth by winning this. But I just don’t get why it’s so impossible for any Deadspin writer to say this: