
I took a knee as I read your post.

I get what you’re saying, but look at this sentence a little differently:

The point is not that Beadle is easy to replace, it’s that ANY of these sausage necks would be equally as easy to replace as Beadle, so they should just shut the fuck up and settle down about the “importance” of their “work.”

I don’t know, it seems like maybe the reason she gave for not watching football is a more important issue for the sports yakkers to address than the effect not watching has on a morning show? Maybe?

I saw Gibbering Masturbators at CBGB in ‘79. They were intense.

Kornheiser and Wilbon literally joke about Tony not staying up late for major sporting events but I haven’t seen outrage directed at Tony.

I think she just wears the same kinds of clothes every day. I know a couple of people like that, they aren’t interested in clothing and having both blue and black jeans is as sartorially wild as they get. And Camille’s main objective is to cover up her scars. Clothing is armor to her, it’s not self-expression.

Whoa! A C? After giving last week an A? Last week was tedious, but still wouldn’t fall below a B-.  This one actually moved the investigation forward

My perspective on this episode was of Camile growing healthier and happier. That seemed to be a theme deliberately established theme early on (with the scene of her eating pie, and her mother saying that something seemed different). Then standing up to her douchy step-dad. Then seeing that her cheerleading friends

Hello, I am the one who sent the letter. My wife and I thank everyone for your comments and discussions regarding this difficult topic.

Did your parents do the abuse? If not, then why can you not forgive them? Honestly, place blame on the abuser(s).

Definitely one of the best, though probably still third, behind this game and the 1991 Game 7, with Jack Morris pitching 10 innings in a 1-0 Twins win. And I say this as a Cubs fan.

Fans acceptance of teams pinching pennies runs deep and is profoundly weird. Yankee fans are doing this right now. A good number of fans are excited about the team getting under the luxury tax threshold so that they can have their penalty reset. Um, awesome? It’s an uncapped league, and they print money. So I’m

The problem with sports is that, for some reason, people keep showing up. Browns fans keep watching their team. They don’t boycott in the face of an objectively terrible on-field product. Fans decry the shitty ownership of Loria and still buy season tickets. Sport is the ultimate avenue of self-enrichment for the

Hopefully the jail cell has a better lock.

Knowing that this is the system they’ll race with this year, I’d like to suggest a couple of tweaks:

The people that voted Trump in did so specifically because of the fact that he is anything but a politician. The Twitter tantrums, the coarse and demeaning language, all of that is just more evidence for them that he doesn’t care about political correctness, but about getting shit done. At this point I’m not sure

...........which is weird, because her husband was brilliant on the campaign trail. Makes you wonder what really goes on inside that marriage.

You are a judgmental condescending prick - how “intelligent” and “liberal” of you categorizing “white America” as rednecks and “Toby Keith”.. you are too much of a fool to realize that this faux progressive judgmental far left bullshit is what got you Trump in the first place, you fool.

Moore was asking legitimate questions. If Sherman didn’t want Moore “to go there” then Sherman probably should have kept his composure on the sideline instead of making a whole incident about it.