Raging Bullwinkle&Rocky Balboa

Seeing a benevolent troll out-troll the’s so BEAUTIFUL

I’m hoping there’s such a thing as a kangabear in anime and that’s a joey-cub en-pouch.

Plus, Tingle himself used his nomination to openly mock Beale and the Rabid/Sad Puppies, mocking them on Twitter and buying up domain names like for further taunts online. He even sent game developer Zoe Quinn to the awards ceremony in his place (though he didn’t end up winning).

There any way you guys could see to it to telling whoever created this auto-scroll bullshit into the next article to go fuck themselves, politely? If I want to read another article, I’ll fucking open it myself.

Read as: Jew.

It’s so curious that these conspiracy hunters find themselves - the one time there does seem to be a genuine conspiracy going on - on the wrong side of it and refuse to believe it.

More disturbing was the initial Cormier camp Google search “How much does a human kidney weigh”

Yup. Totally true story. They got science and everything involved. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to my beloved Critters marathon.

Offensive mind, indeed.

He was selling drugs. He sold to all the white guys on campus ... He was the worst.”

“I am resigning from this job because of an interview I gave to a documentary that details actions that were fully known to Southwestern Christian University when they hired me.”

I am laughing SO hard at all the people who are morally offended by your hilarious comment.

I think you’re more screwed when your kid realizes that lying works and honesty is optional.

My nine-year-old randomly asked about this movie the other day. I told him they canceled it, but it might show up on Netflix in a year or so (when I won’t have to endure it). I got out of the Minions and Angry Birds movies the same way.

Plus she had a damned Pegasus.

Please stop posting old articles as new stories just for additional clicks.

Lord Piruças is already waiting in the mailbox for his. 

I’m 99% certain that if I somehow managed to get a helmet onto my cat, he’d walk backwards into a wall trying to back himself out of it.

You had me at “tradgety”.

ah, but it could be the Hi-Definition of a BD-movie!