Raging Bullwinkle&Rocky Balboa

Do I see a tape sticking out of a tape deck? I can’t tell on my little Blackberry screen.

“Potato Raiders” is fun to say quickly.

Oh man, as a web designer, you have no idea how many times I’ve needed that perfect “nurse frightened by cucumber” stock image, but couldn’t deliver. Thanks for sharing!

No, it means that Matthew Dellavedova is the real MVP.

“I do it for you” is a bigger pile of cow shit than the one at Harris Ranch. (That’s the one next to I-5 halfway between LA and SF.)

Uhhh, Adele says that she won’t tour after every tour. It’s kind of her thing. Of course she’ll tour again, it’ll just be “The Return” and she’ll charge twice as much.*

Precisely! Paul Ryan is a “wonk” in the sense that most undergraduate students are “wonks.” (I include the 18-22 year old version of myself in this group). They have ideologies on how the world should work but never get into actually playing out how those ideologies may be functionally enacted and the consequences of

Not just between periods, they should do this at every paws in the action.

I’m not super-thrilled about the proposed legislation, to be honest. It requires the name AND ADDRESS of all victims to be “divulged to campus leaders” which seems a bit troubling and vague and unlikely to encourage people to come forward. That, coupled with the criminal penalties for failure to report, seems likely

Hmm.. Seems PR is all about that flair and showing off a bit (which I enjoy) while they’re winning, and then turn into Bumgarner (whom I also enjoy and plays for the team I root for) when they lose. Seems like they’re partial Americans after all.

Ha ha, ain’t nobody gonna be celebrating in Puerto Rico when Trump builds that wall to keep them out of the USA!

I wouldn’t really call any of the responses from Puerto Rican players burns, they basically come off as “hey you may have beaten our asses in the final, but unlike you at least we gave a fuck about the tournament!” That’s more of a self-burn than anything else

‘Look at this, right now you’re in spring training working out, and we’re with our people, with our silver medals.’  

Oh DC, why do you always have to go ahead and constantly make the status quo more complicated while trying to make it simpler?

Fucking Magneto, how does he work?

How did you find time in your busy schedule of beating off to Mel Gibson to write this?


Taking a brave stand to defend ethnocentrism and outright racism, I see.

Must be lonely up there on that wall.

I’m sure they’ll roll in their sleep at the thought of you not supporting their multi-million dollar nest egg.

But... but it’s my legal right to be as racist to people as I want with no consequences to myself morally, socially, and economically!