Raging Bullwinkle&Rocky Balboa

Just, for the love of god, make sure the baby is born BEFORE you kill it. We absolutely cannot be killing babies before they’re born.

Wow, what a bunch of THUGS

He can say something like “I believe in the product we made blah blah blah” or whatever instead of something that boils down to “you’re watching it wrong.” It just doesn’t come off well.

You’re missing the point...what is he supposed to day? “I should never have been hired for his job” or “the series is shit, oops”?

This “it’s for the fans” garbage is what creates the kind of toxic backlash the nerd community has become known for.

It looks like he’s reading the graphic in disbelief that they’d be such wankers

I am intrigued by your theory, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

My guess would be that much of the xenophobia permeating and emanating from the Trump administration has its roots in the existential dread Bannon suffers as the host of a xenomorph.

Thus far, he has been able to forestall its eruption from his sternum through the liberal application of alcoholic libations and sundry

I read this as poop out of nowhere, which would be considerably more interesting.

If a guy’s hair is a distraction you’re already fucked.

Resurrecting the capricious whims of a rich loudmouth seems downright normal these days.

Looks like a DBW.

Making shitty apartments suck even more was how he got started working for his father. And kicking out the black people too.

Yeah it’s similar to how Airborne’s shtick is that it was invented by a school teacher. Actually, I would prefer a drug developed by chemists.

Sweet blahg bro

Look, this is why we had drive-ins for fucks sake. You got there a little early and the kids came wearing their pajamas. You lined up at the concession building and let your kids run wild on the playground next to the parking lot. Then when the previews started you rounded up your spawn and put them in your station

this is some kind hipster level fucked up stuff, also parents make sure you take your kids to “Chainsaw massacre” or something like that, so your kids won’t let you sleep for a months

You should write them a letter with all of your ideas.

Why it’s almost like Wikileaks has a vested interest in tamping down suspicions of Russian malfeasance....almost....

I just don’t get the mental gymnastics skill that it takes for a brown person to somehow believe that they are safe in this country because they voted for 45. As if there’s some sort of halo effect that comes with the ballot receipt.