Raging Bullwinkle&Rocky Balboa

I’m so confused. I thought A Dog couldn’t even read.

It’s no wonder that Miyamoto started playing Zelda and just began climbing trees.

I always just assumed Beyonce’s nipples were diamonds.

The crazy hair is what gets me. So distracting.

I’m just offended that it’s such a terrible picture of her face. Emma’s very lovely and she looks quite plain here. Surely there was a better one they could’ve used for the final print!

The comments on that jez article are FAN-TASTIC though.

I knew this story was whacky, but the DM are jerks for publishing this hackjob and sincere wanks to those who came forward and seeded the truth all over peoples’ faces.

“And you wonder why Wikipedia recently banned the Daily Mail as a source for information on the community encyclopedia? This is why.”

That and every time he throws a cheap shot, his constituents offer up every inconceivable excuse

Was this kid engineered in a lab to play for Duke?! Amazing.

This guy belongs in the Trump cabinet. Every time he throws a cheap shot, he reacts like a victim.

Not to mention the fact that Trump’s mentor, Roy Cohn, was McCarthy’s right hand man.

He shall be a warrior at the Breastriary in Nippopolis!

The comments here are A fucking plus. Y’all are awful, wonderful people.

I dropped a harddrive on my foot once, so I can relate.

Wow, this is like looking into the future for me....

Unless you’re the editor, it’s nacho call to make.

The good news is that places that sell $1 tacos and promote the sales of said tacos with handmade signs often have great medical benefits for part-time skateboarding mascots.

Q - What type of cheese do you get on a skateboarding taco?

From the sound, that’s one crunchy taco.