Raging Bullwinkle&Rocky Balboa

I wish I could, but UEFA and Bob’s Burgers keep me attached.

Downey Jr. feels like he is phoning it in. I can't blame him. To actually act in those scenes he is not working with much.

Ah I love he has replacement parts hovering overhead that can fly down and repair things like broken limbs! The Hulkbuster actually held up better then I expected it to. Though I assume it will soon be busted.

As a Bulls fan I say this: TOUGH SHIT YOU TROLLS

One could use remakes to give good stories that performed sub par another chance of just play it safe and make money out of things that already make money...

That was honestly quite terrible, but it makes me think George R.R. Martin could play Doc on a Fraggles Rock reboot if the whole writing thing doesn't work out.

That’s too bad, because the fact that it’s an octopus operating technology is friggin’ awesome.

You know what else shouldn’t be tax exempt? Any church!

I made an asshole comment about him in the other article about this which I massively regret. I feel for him more now seeing him and hearing him properly. She is a scumbag still. thanks for the people who told me in the other article.

It's hysterical. I love it. He is having the best time. Carry on, sir!

Nah, you're not old yet. I'm old enough that I didn't even know that, because in my day, virtually no one got tattoos. Bikers did, and Marines, and that was about it.

I would send my kids to a classroom led by Charles Manson before I’d let them walk into a school that hired Mary Kay LeTourneau’s raping child molester ass.

This is the worst thing I've ever seen

She’s not a normal mom - she’s a COOL mom.

In my day... the term "flash tattoo" meant a tattoo that rather than being a custom design, was chosen off of the wall. Clearly I am old now.

These ill-fitting high-waisted jhorts have my OCD going off the radar. I want to give her a belt? No I want to pull them lower so they sit snuggly on her hips. This fucking trend just makes me grit my fucking teeth.

Is a requirement for entry to Cochella that you have the body structure of an Abercrombie model?

Yeah, the necklaces just seem silly, the other ones look kind of fun. I think this is something my 11-yr-old daughter would be super into for about a month.

This is the first week where I genuinely think all the girls looked prettier in their before photos. They're all beautiful, so they looked great in both, but I think I prefer the more natural look right now.

I like. Don't get lipstick. I've seen many women look TOTALLY AMAZING in it, but I don't... understand it? How