Raging Bullwinkle&Rocky Balboa

The second woman, Catherine Somani, 53, was slashed in the abdomen, the sources said.

The big picture here is that there’s no correct usage for the phrase at all, because if you can control it, THEN IT’S NOT FUCKING DESTINY.

Judging by Drew’s shirt, Chopped must have been filmed immediately after middle school picture day.

Nerdy, deeply unfashionable, falsely modest, yet somehow charming. Succeeded more on grit and determination than pure talent. Congrats to Drew Magary ... on winning the Cardinal Way.

I don't think you're shitting right.

THIS is what my tax dollars are going to!?

Guess that gum I liked isn't going to come back in style.

Like all those bricks in Rome that got re-purposed?

“Restaurant food was decent but I had to provide my own bread and wine. The next day I was nailed to a plank of wood and died. Would not recommend.”

Please expand on why its so unbelievable that he would use “jest” or “perceived.” Unless of course you're running late to a rally.

If you look up you’ll see the joke as it flys over your head

Us white folk have been woefully mistreated throughout history and not being able to say the n word is just another in a long line of injustices. When will it end? ;(

Not really. This isn't a clever gaming of the system. It's something that's extremely obvious, and hasn't happened because people realized it'd at best severely damage the Hugos. The Puppies don't get credit for being clever dogs, but for not being housebroken.

It means "thanks for your super compelling and original contribution." People care about awards. It reflects status in the field, whether or not you care. To write off people's concerns as stupid because those things don't occur to you, well...

Hot take.

Actually, it's about ethics in science fiction awards.

I think I've seen a Del Toro movie with these things.

Maybe it's me, but it's hard to feel bad for a team that signed a recovering drug addict/alcoholic, with a long history of relapses, to a multi year, multi million dollar contract, who then seem shocked that he fell off the wagon yet again.
