Raging Bullwinkle&Rocky Balboa

I am pro-tipping and pro-tipping generously but 30% as a minimum is nutty.

From her bio: "She runs, reads, and eats way too much and is passionate about humanism..."

Yeah - I sent my mom flowers when she was having a bad time and they let me tip ahead of time. Like, since when has this argument centered around surprise flower delivery?

I love how she's mad at her 5th grade education. If she didn't have to tip, there would never be another instance in her whole life where a percentage needed to be calculated.

Am I really supposed to tip this floral delivery guy when I didn't even know he was coming to deliver me flowers that I didn't even buy?

The art of tipping is, for most people, really freaking annoying. How much is too much? How much is too little? Is this the only reason I had to learn how to calculate percentages in 5th grade?

Even easier than that: download a free tipping app on to your phone. This is 2015, we have the technology.

Why so mean/stupid?

Yes, that's the important thing.

I'm sorry, I'm not watching a three-and-a-half minute long video of a wave.

Interesting. Do you find it hard to admit your past crimes? The reason I'm asking is you describe July 20th to August 21st, 2003 as "one week" and 18 armed muggings (including one 81 year old man) as "several."

I, for one, see nothing wrong with the Patriot Act that would increase video surveillance of everything.

She better hope her aim is good. Otherwise she might end up with a giant gash.

I've seen these Riis photos a hundred times, but never realized until now that he'd captured the first TruckNutz.

His face upon learning the numbers he put up tonight should be next to "F'real?" on UrbanDictionary.

I find that they don't always get clean if you put them in tongs-down because the tongs get stuck in the little holes in the bottom of the silverware holder. They also are more difficult to remove when unloading clean dishes.

Six YEARS and you're still worried about things like "Does he still jerk off?" When did you start dating, 3rd grade?

Almost like he gave the guy a job, then took it back. Like some kind of....Giving TakeBacker

Is this the archetypal Simmons quote:

Thank god, the voice of reason. Where have you been all my life while I was getting shot and wondering why picking up medkits wasn't healing the bullet wounds?