Raging Bullwinkle&Rocky Balboa

Don’t take it for walks if you can’t control it. You are the irresponsible pet owner here.

It was almost like a drill.

It’s like Borowitz over at the New Yorker being the “comedy” writer, when there are thousands of funnier, more talented people who could do the job. But he’s actually popular, I think. Ugh.

Bingo. There’s a reason he once had a shitty show called “Politically Incorrect.” He’s like a college freshman who’s really getting into, like, Ayn Rand or whatever.

I don’t know anything about it: is it an open secret that he has a pill problem? I’m sure he’s taken a ton of painkillers after surgeries and to play.

It’s like the sad, hungover soul of a decade threw up on those uniforms.

Ah, I thought maybe you just hadn’t experienced it. I did as well.

Nope. The 80s really looked like that.

He may be a redneck, but he can’t be that dumb, considering his successful plan to hide the catfish. I was especially impressed by the use of compression shorts, tho the truck was also a novel idea.

Next step: eating a homeless man’s face

You’re a clone.

Yeah, the perfect is the enemy of the good (I think someone famous said that). I gave up on being perfect like 20 years ago. It was really a healthy change.

Thanks. :) I was actually less concerned about myself, more interested in the concrete things one can do. And you gave some good ideas. I think there are white people who want to change but just don’t know how.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. As you say, it’s a very tough question. In my life, I think I’m pretty good at treating everyone equally. I’m friendly toward everyone, and I’ve had a good day if I can make at least one person genuinely smile (I know that’s corny). I’ve lived in racially mixed neighborhoods almost my

I’m genuinely wondering (no sarcasm intended): how would one confront their own views? What would be the next step once they confront their own racism? How does one become not racist?

Why is he grabbing his nuts? Even better question, why aren’t they in his costume? Wtf?!

I’m not a fan of the show, but I’ve always thought Reali was likable and smart.

This is a fantastic movie, and I found it to be a brutally empathetic portrayal of Laura. I hate scenes involving any kind of sexual assault, but the terrible one with Bob/Leland was so squirmy and horrifying and It felt necessary to understanding her character and the movie. I think that made it particularly

Is he related to my personal hero, Jay Ward (Bullwinkle etc)? Or is it just a weird coincidence?

Edge of Yesterday: It Was Once Tomorrow