Raging Bullwinkle&Rocky Balboa

“I think my subconscious fears and budding sexuality are getting all mixed up.”-Tina Belcher

Wilbon’s takes have been singeing ears for years.

How do you say “snake oil” in Japanese?

Still over a month until his inauguration, and Trump’s already causing international crises. Will the US even exist in 4 years?

Imagine how he feels.

The money shot.

I loved Vision right until the last issue. It’s my favorite book in ages. But that last issue was just a total letdown for me. It felt like a copout. I’d say more, but spoilers.

Wish there was a pic in natural lighting.

“We make all the toys because we can.”

Strong return.

It’ll suck if Kim leaves Kanye because of his mental illness, particularly if he’s trying to get help. But getting out of that empty celebrity circus could be a good thing for Kanye. The kind of idiot public drama the Kardashians thrive on is not exactly good for a mentally ill person. Way too much stress and garbage

Good to see Boom! getting mass exposure (and hopefully cash). They’ve published a lot of excellent, quirky stuff.

I knew you were being serious and that you’re very serious about even the appearance of any conflict of interest, which I appreciate. If only our president elect had even a tiny percent of those ethics. Seriously, though, it must suck to avoid having friends in your field.

How dare you have friends! This is the last straw.

It’s becoming kristall clear that our pres elect has the Reich stuff.

Is this supposed to be a joke? If you think it necessary to joke about this, at least come up with something funny. Seriously, that’s just weak. Oh, how I long for the days of good, sick Deadspin commenters.

I hate to tell you, “basic” is not a normal name for a baby. Especially with the lower-case b.

Guess who’s buying Zen Pinball today. This guy.

Mildly attractive Conservative white woman. Ftfy

Empathy: not your strong suit here.