Raging Bullwinkle&Rocky Balboa

Thank you for weighing in. We were all just dying to find out how you feel about the topic. Insightful stuff. What else don’t you care about (but care about enough to comment on)?

How could this happen in Trump’s America?

You mean the Re-Greatening of America. It used to be great until all the brown people and queers and ladies got all uppity. Now it sucks. But just wait til we show those losers.

I have faith. They did Fire Walk With Me a few years after the show and it’s one of his best movies.

She puts on red heels when she gets to school in the pilot. I just re-watched that episode again last night and it is soooo good. Can’t wait for the new stuff.

Damn, I forgot how hot they were.

I love the end of that episode when 10k says, “I’m glad I never had an office job. Those people were messed up.”

Where do you want to insert it?

That says more about you than it does about Kanye. Actually, it says nothing about Kanye.

If it’s gonna be that kind of party, I’m gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes.

I do prefer the first two seasons, but I’m still enjoying it. I enjoy the characters and I think Murphy’s evolution is interesting.

Exactly. They don’t skimp on the weird and camp.

Why even tell them about some alternate timeline? What good could possibly come of it? Only an idiot would do that.

The characters on Z Nation actually have a goal and never get stuck in one place for more than two episodes (except Citizen Z). Things never get boring. The characters and show take an absurdist view of the apocalypse, unlike the miserable characters on TWD who rarely smile. And the show doesn’t focus on the boring

What an ass.

Why did you click on this? Is it that hard to ignore things you don’t like? You know, click = money. Just try to restrain yourself next time.

Sorry, but you’re so wrong about fancy water. Fiji, Icelandic and Voss are like a different species than tap water. They taste so clear and pure, I feel like I’m drinking the Lord’s tears. I feel like I’ve risen above my pathetic, grimy station in life. I pour it from the bottle into a glass and I feel classy without

I’d be angry too if I was one of those suckers. Locking up “Crooked Hillary” was one of his major selling points. Now they find out it was just another one of his scams. Soon they’ll see that over half the shit he said was a cynical ploy for their votes. Whoops! They happily let themselves get played, and now the

The problem with making art in that condition is some people can’t finish projects and start a million things. I become obsessed and feel I must finish whatever project I’ve started and I get it done. But when the mania spirals totally out of control, nothing good can come of it.

I totally agree that the societal romanticizing of some link between mental illness and art is ridiculous. There’s nothing romantic about mental illness. As a person with bipolar disorder, I can assure people that an episode is horrible.