Raging Bullwinkle&Rocky Balboa

There’s a big difference between not having empathy for someone and being actively negative towards someone who’s having problems. You’re welcome to have your own reaction, and we are welcome to react to it. And you’re acting like a dick.

Won’t someone think of the children??? *clutches pearls* Finish your dinner! There are starving children in Syria who could live off those lima beans for a week. Oh, the humanity! Remember this next time you start to complain about anything that’s not as bad as war torn Syria.

Not a surprise from the league that shot itself in the dick by making a TV deal with Outdoor Life Network (I think) instead of with ESPN, trading wide exposure for a little extra money.

Children are fat little germ sacks.


I think maybe you should ask Fahey how he used to do this, because this didn’t turn out so great.

I can’t believe such stupid people voted for Trump. I expected more from Trump fans.

Man, I’m jealous. But I’m not sure how many of my women friends will play the Mansplaining Game. They’re all so bossy!

Sweet! So I just send you the bill?

My favorite day of the year! I can’t wait to open my International Men’s Day gifts. I’ve got my fingers crossed for the Collected Works of Donald J. Trump and Axe Body Spray.

Thanks, but I don’t even have a PS3 anymore. :(

Man, maybe I’ll get a ps2. I’d love to play the OG.

That’s what I keep coming back to. Nothing matters. Nothing he said matters. Nothing he did matters. Words have no fixed meanings. He cares about nothing. He knows nothing. And nothing matters.

Stay medicated, my friend. Keep at least one Xanax available at all times. I know I sure as hell do.

They don’t care as long as he supports pro-Israel policies, which I believe he does.

That’s excellent.

He wanted it to be close enough that he could whine about rigging; he did not want to win.


That’s low-hanging fruit.

Four and a quarter hours of quality family time.