Raging Bullwinkle&Rocky Balboa

God, this is tedious. Just say, “I love her books and don’t care about her real name.” For someone who can’t separate the artist from the art, you sure have a funny way of showing it.

JFC, are you kidding? Should they be skin tight outfits, like most of the characters wear? Should they be modeled after Amish fashion? Should Spider-Gwen be a pants suit? I’m proud to be an SJW (seriously), but there are plenty of girls and women who dress like this without concern for the male gaze.

That reporter sounds like a real bozo.

Someone’s feel-feels might get hurt. Think of the children! What kind of role models are these taunters? We need to showcase only the classiest men who bash each others’ brains in.

Thank god the fun police showed up. Honestly, what’s the point of your comment? Just wanted to rain on someone’s parade?

What we really need to know is what the fuck is up with these book covers? Are they shitty romance novels? I haven’t heard of this author at all, but the cover looks like a joke someone threw together using stock photography.

Does it matter what we’re supposed to glean? That’s just another silly excuse to not report.

I seriously cannot stop laugh-crying. My inner 15 year old has been unleashed. FIFA, I wish I knew how to quit you.

Holy shit, is your screen name really a reference to an obscure GBV song? I haven’t thought of that tune in like 20 years.

No, that’s not what he said. Nice try though.

Check out Futureworld on Netflix. It’s not great, but it’s entertaining and it explores this idea.

I’m saying people only care about the OG, yeah. That could be a problem for the movies going forward and almost certainly a problem for merch. Nostalgia can only carry the new stuff so far before people lose interest.

I hate being crude, but go shove a Mountain Dew can up your ass.

Weird how everything’s based on vehicles from the original trilogy, and how tons of other recent products are as well. Hell, even the last movie was a clone of the OG. Almost as if the mainstream has little interest in the other films. Go figure.

Also, Giuliani said Trump is “better for the United States than a woman.” But this finger story is totally more important. Glad you got to this first.

Be careful you don’t crush your pearls.

I thought it was one of the more idiotic descriptions I’ve ever read. People don’t think “in Shostakovich terms” when they think about pop music because the two are totally different genres. All genres of art have conventions which must be worked with and plenty of classical music is recycled garbage.

Durr hurr don’t bring up politics durr. Tons of people who read this site like Star Trek. This is something interesting about people involved with Star Trek. Do you even Internet, bro? You don’t have to read the frickin’ article if it’s going to offend your sensibilities.

Last season was a piping hot pile of unfunny garbage. I was hoping maybe they killed off Archer so the show might be interesting again. His character wasn’t funny and he and Lana as a thing just suck. There were maybe three laugh-out-loud parts the entire season. It really just felt like they had run out of ideas and

Probably somewhere waiting for Godot.