Raging Bullwinkle&Rocky Balboa

This is why all art MFA programs need to be shut down. The grads mostly make crap art that only exists to be part of some idiot, highbrow discourse. There’s no meaning behind this and nothing visually interesting about the work.

I’m not blaming, you, Nico.

I know being a fan is really exciting, but please, for the love of god, don’t use the words fandom and shipping like that. Belonging to a fandom sounds like being in a little club, and “shipping” just sounds idiotic. I guess I’ve never been the club/group type. Now get off my lawn.

EL34 just checked in to confirm what they already knew. And they found one comment. It cracks me up, because io9 has one of the friendliest communities of its type.

Oh, that’s right. Thanks. :)

Haven’t you embarrassed yourself enough. We’ve all missed you since you quit though. How will the site carry on?

I thought Squirrel Girl was the star of Defenders. Was that just a rumor?

Here in Tucson we have the Wiener Nationals. A good time is had by all. Seriously, it’s pretty fun.

No, no. That would be the Dominatrix.

He has two powers: super-speed and super-selfishness.

I totally agree. However, the NFLPA is an absolute joke. And NFL players need a strong Union more than any other league, considering brevity of careers, likelihood of injury, paucity of guaranteed contracts. The players do themselves no favors in the battle with owners. It’s a shame.

I haven’t seen this movie, but I don’t understand: Is there some reason it looks like it was filmed on soundstages from a Canadian TV show?

So, he’s not exactly a deep thinker. Trump and Clinton really aren’t comparable, particularly if you want to discuss racism. One has been actively and unapologetically spouting racist trash for the last five-plus years, while the other has not. it’s like comparing apples and rotten, racist oranges.

Dude, no need to insult stoners. The guy’s a fucking idiot with or without drugs.

He’s the libertarian (i.e. intentionally crackpot) candidate. You can’t hold America responsible for this guy being nominated. Surely you Canucks have a party or two like that.

Well, they’re right about one thing: the campaign is definitely hurting their business. The Trump brand has gone into the shitter since this whole thing started and will never recover, especially since their main business has been licensing out the Trump name.

No tongue from Vinny D on the kiss? Weak. He didn’t even seem to enjoy it.

Nope, and I don’t think they rigged anything. Bernie simply lost. Did the DNC prefer Hillary? Sure. Bernie wasn’t even a Democrat until he decided to run for President, so of course they preferred the lifelong Democrat. That’s politics. But did they rig it? No, they did not. Bernie lost. Is that really so hard to

Really?? I read the first ish and I’m all, “Scooby has emojis and a voice translator? Lame.” I just wasn’t feeling it. It felt “updated” simply for the sake of it. I love these Scooby Team Up comics though.

It’s amazing how little talent it takes to make boatloads (or carloads) of cash.