CHP had the same issue when they ran the Pursuit Mustangs. Those didn’t even have rear doors.
Jeep ditched the V8 in the 2 row a while ago in favor for the 4XE system. Where the 4XE falls short is the max towing amount, but how many people of that 4% were actually towing with the V8. The 4XE has a little better performance than the V8 hence why they stopped offering it in the 2 row. Only engines in the 2 row…
This wasn’t even a police chase, makes this even more senseless.
102k for that delivery experience is absolutely hilarious. Do they have anybody that works there that has not had a recent lobotomy?
It’s literally in the article that someone got killed in that exact intersection. As much as the news makes a big deal about theft, people generally don’t get killed in those incidents. So I would say enforcement action like this should have at least SOME priority, not zero.
How many people run over is acceptable?
What not both?
Chevy has the Equinox EV and the upcoming Bolt refresh.
“That and most of the people who own these are usually raging assholes who probably will vote for Trump, watch Fox news, and are your typically unremarkable, un-interesting, un-creative, cookie cutter angry old white dude.”
Give the resto-mods a rest and build period-correct Camaros instead. Be a leader, not another sheep.
You look detached from reality to the rest of us. <shrugs harder>
Field sobriety test = cop works hard to notice anything, even things that aren’t there. Like drug sniffing dogs trained to “indicate” on command, usually a small sound or hand signal, the Field sobriety test is a fake-out to claim “reasonable suspicion” and “probable cause.”
Make the manufacturers pay for the testing. If I want to drive on a public road, I have to pay for the licensing tests. My state requires me to pay for the annual inspection. Why not require the manufacturers to foot the bill to certify their cars are safe enough?
Max has driven like this his entire career. The only time he hasn’t is when he’s 30 seconds ahead.
The Haas/Ferrari agreement was just extended to the end of 2028. If Toyota decided to join, it would likely take them 2-3 years to even have a viable engine. So I don’t think the Ferrari contract is great proof against this.
You hear that!? If you’ve got a truck, you better want to beat it up!
Everyone should take a few seconds and google LASD gangs.
there are necessities of the touring business model, then there is private gluttony of flying off to a dinner date. all of which is heavily subsidized by middle and low income taxes - and environment - who rarely have a chance to visit the tarmac.