I can't wait to be dead

My husband and I are in the process of trying to buy our first house. We got our mortgage offer so we know what ballpark to look at price-wise, and we just found a house we’re kind of falling in love with. I’m trying really hard not to get so attached to it becuase it could totally get snatched up, but god damn you

ugh, this guy looks like my FIL who i’ve come to increasingly hate the more I know him:

I just said, ‘You’re wrong.’ You know why? Because we’re so stupid. … And I thought they were smart.

Aww I remember Friend Society.

Get Out was great. I didn’t see The Shape of Water (and frankly not super interested in going out of my way to see it anyway). But to say “____ movie should have won because _____” are going to be for subjective reasons and other well thought-out theories. You can hypothesize that it didn’t win becuase of certain

The guy on Trump’s left looks like he can barely contain his raging boner.

Right?? She is like, out of this world beautiful.

Now playing

I feel like 85% of my daily life is looking up and buying and discussing skincare. It never ends/what is happening to me??

The episode of him as failed waterskiing Sha Na Na member auditioner, Wolfman Hot Dog, is one of the funniest podcast episodes i’ve ever heard in my fucking life.

as sassy as a pet turtle halloween costume contest in 1922.

as sassy as an olive-colored windbreaker from Eddie Bauer  

as sassy as a room-temperature piece of jicama.

When did you go to college here? I was browsing through the Davis Wiki a few nights ago and it seemed like there was actually some decent stuff going on here around the early 2000's, like some house shows and general weird people hanging out with each other. Now it’s just a mix of bland white people and a bajillion

It’s my birthday today and tomorrow.

They’re all terrible. All the towns up here and up north are basically the Floridas of California.

Or like, “Sacramento: Meh. We’re here if you need us.”

I live in Davis and have to go into Sacramento every now and then because there’s jack shit here in Davis. Sacramento is a TERRIBLE PLACE. It’s so depressing and shitty. God, fuck Sacramento.

Is the lighter there to show that you’re going to light these fuckers on fire á la Ripley in Aliens style?  

I learned to hold a pencil in the way that I feel comfortable with, and my school had a real hard time accepting this. They would give me one of those stupid rubber round things to put on your pencil that shows you where to put your fingers, and I would just end up throwing them away. My teacher would single me out