I can't wait to be dead

I’m an older (in my 30's) non-traditional college student who went to community college and then transferred to a 4-year university, and when I was leaving my community college one morning (which is located behind a massive high school) wearing a backpack, I was walking around downtown a little adjacent to the high

TJ Miller as the voice of the severed purple penis.

For real. Smash Mouth is annoying, but Morrissey is an insufferable garbage asshole.

Honestly, i’m tired of seeing Ray Romano being cast in anything.

Okay, 15 MONTHS NOT 11 OR 12 MONTHS. Jesus.

Hmm. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. hmm........

None of this shit is surprising AT ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

It obviously seems like T.J. Miller (whose name sounds like a fucking rip-off TGIF somewhere in Times Square) is a huge douchebag who did not get along with the cast and showrunner, and that’s why he left. Probably because he’s a massive asshole.

Also: if it ever comes to your area - see The Shining: Forwards and Backwards. It’s just the film played backwards, super imposed over the movie playing forwards, but it actually turns the whole film almost into a different movie. It was really interesting, it was still scary, but also kind of sad.

Yeah, I think there’s an “extended version” and the “Version You’ve Never Seen” just has all the scenes that were cut from the originally screening.

Clean, Shaven

What kind of thing are you looking for?

I spent a lot of my life hating my body, but now that i’m over that, I really really wish I had curly hair. I have heavy, thick, stick straight hair and blunt bangs and my hair will never curl. I am jealous of curly bang’d people.

Yeah. It just looks terrible. Even the models in these pictures look stupid. Urgh.

No, but it’s for the office for alumni’s through my university and for the president. So...yeah.

I love all this advice, thank you.

I mean, i’m sure they’re comfortable, but my body already looks like an over-riped avocado, so I feel like wearing sack dresses would just make me look like Homer Simpson in a moo-moo. I need something that forces a shape onto me so I don’t look like a walking oval. There’s gotta be some kind of middle-ground, here!

I’m officially an old.

You sound like the biggest asshole on Earth. Maybe stick to lurking?