
I never got the vibe that Iris was bored of regular Barry. She was never bored of him through the many years they were together and she confessed to having feelings for him before she knew he was the Flash. It was that Barry that she wanted to have a date with. But Barry's not the same guy anymore. She's not the same.

What? I was adding to your comment and expounding on why Barry and Iris aren't yet a couple (well they are now). And I didn't accuse you of finding healthy relationships a bore. I was talking about comments I've seen from people who are against Barry and Iris stating that them getting together now and lasting till the

I felt that last season, Iris's reaction to finding out her mother was alive all these years and then finding out that she was dying was a little….blah. She even apologized to Joe for blaming him even though she never did? I think the writers were too afraid to have Iris show anger after the backlash she received when

They're taking it slow. Barry wasn't ready to be in a relationship with Iris when she told him how she felt. He said he was too broken and he felt that she deserved better than what he could offer at the moment. So he went back in time. However, Iris didn't really know him in this new timeline so he had to start from

Cisco will be his old self again eventually. He still grieving right now and no one is a happy camper when they've lost someone they loved. Cisco said he needs time and he needs to work through some things.

I mean….no one wants to start a relationship with someone if they insist on lying to them. Like? People will scrape the bottom of the barrel in search for reasons why Barry and Iris shouldn't be together but that shouldn't be one of them.

What? I don't understand your post.

Joe didn't get the Allen house. The house they live in is Joe's house. Always has been. The woman that was lusting after Joe in the episode where he and Cisco worked together got the Allen house, remember? And yeah, I believe Joe took Barry in because he was best friends with his daughter. He had nowhere else to go

Barry and Iris then? That doesn't make sense either.

The connection was between Barry and Iris.

I think Iris feeling like something was missing from her life speaks to her's and Barry's relationship. Their love transcends time and dimension. I think the writers are expounding upon Iris being Barry's lightning rod as in the comics and the fact that their love, like Nora Allen's death, is a fixed point. I do agree

If Thawne really did do something specific to Joe and Iris, I wonder if he's targeting them since he's already gotten rid of Barry's parents and Barry seems to have (at least I really hope so) come to terms with their death. He's bent on making Barry's life miserable. If he can't attack his parents, then he'll move on

What're you talking about? Barry and Wally aren't brothers? Maybe brother in laws when Barry and Iris eventually marry.

Yeah, but she was willing to stay with this dude and ignore all the reasons for her initially leaving, and throwing away her dream, if he would've just admitted he was the Flash.

But they didn't have a good reason not to tell her. Their reason for not telling Iris about the Flash was because it was to keep her safe. However, Flash had enemies who knew his real identity. Meaning, any time they wanted to they could attack Iris to hurt him. She wasn't safe. If Iris meeting up with the Flash was

Iris's anger didn't last long. It was literally one episode. And it was about her. She was the only one they were actively keeping in the dark. They didn't tell Iris her life had been threatened. They didn't tell Iris that she could be in danger because Flash had enemies who knew his real identity. They didn't tell

Again, Iris would've chosen Barry in the end. Despite being with Eddie, she and Barry still get married. Which means that she and Eddie don't work out and she chooses to be with Barry. Also, Eddie is Eobard's ancestor and Iris isn't. Meaning, once again, that she and Eddie don't work out. If time were to take it's

It's not incest. It's really not hard to wrap around. Barry's relationship and feelings for Iris preceded his relationship with Joe. He was best friends with and had love for Iris before he was forced to move in with them and came to view Joe as a father. If Barry viewed Iris as a sister, then it would be pretty weird

How was she naggy last season?

In addition to what shellshock3d said, I think as well because Wally and Jesse are viewed as the "kids" of the group. They're much younger than everyone else.