
Barry and Iris would've ended up together eventually though. Even though Iris was with Eddie, she and Barry still got married in the future. Which means her and Eddie don't work out in the end and she and Barry get married. Eddie is Eobard's ancestor too and I'm pretty sure Iris isn't seeing as she married Barry. So

I'm hoping the writers don't let it end there. Barry and Iris aren't together yet. And we're supposed to get a great act of love on Iris's part in the next episode I think. Iris has always had feelings for Barry. Everything is pointing her in the direction of Barry and I think that's why she initially started thinking

I wonder if Barry will eventually ask her that. Maybe then the writers will finally have her share her feelings in plain text. As in, before Barry gets his hopes up again, he asks Iris if she wants to be with him because she feels no matter what she can't fight destiny or if she truly loves him. Maybe then we'll

Iris has feelings for Barry. That much we know. I don't know why the writers won't let her come right out and say that though. We're supposed to get an act of great love on Iris's part in the next episode I think, so hopefully we'll finally get the words "I love you". That's all we need. That's all that's needed. Just

Iris canceled the date she was going to go on with him. She said it didn't feel right. Most likely because she had feelings for Barry and everything was pointing her in his direction.

Iris said, "Girl, no, that is not common anywhere". Not sure how either of these lines are racial?

Well, I mean Barry and Iris are going to happen one way or another. But the writers haven't kept up the momentum of their feelings. Season 2A, Barry's and Iris's feelings for each other were barely there and neither was there friendship. However Iris does have feelings for Barry and most likely always have. Remember

Yeah, I agree. Iris was definitely thinking about dating Scott, but she told Barry it felt wrong to do so. Cause of Eddie of course. Now that she's had her closure, she might actually feel comfortable enough to go on a date with Scott. I think Tone Bell, Scott's actor, has one or two more episodes left before he's

Okay, then gotcha. It really isn't hard to understand. I wonder at the people who insist that they're siblings. The writers at least have been able to joke about it: Mason asking whether to call Barry Iris's friend or brother, Patty assuming Barry's a brother to Iris, Barry's super awkward (but funny) moment where he

Barry views Joe as his father. Barry does not view Iris as his sister.

Alright then, but Barry's relationship with Joe doesn't define his relationship with Iris. Barry may view Joe as a father but he certainly doesn't view Iris as his sister. And neither does Iris view Barry as her brother. Clearly, neither Barry nor Iris feels there's anything wrong with their feelings for each other.

He went fishing.

Eh? How do I know that the writers still intend to put Barry and Iris together? I'm pretty sure I said the writers have shown no intention of changing Barry's main love interest. And they really haven't, have they? They introduced Barry being head over heals for Iris and have, throughout the show, dropped hints

Barry calls Joe….Joe. Barry views Joe as a father figure, but he's never been confused as to who his real father is. Ya know the one that raised him until he was unjustly thrown in prison? The one Barry would sneak away from the West house to go visit in prison?

Number One, I'm pretty sure the "date" Iris was referring to was her coffee break with Scott that he mistook for a date. Hence why she said they "sort of" went on a date then immediately afterwards said it wasn't like that in reaction to Barry's shock. To reiterate, I don't believe Iris has actually dated her boss.

Loved it as well. Now that Iris has had her closure, and she and Barry have experienced love outside of each other, I'm sure the writers are going to start heading towards their eventual relationship. It would be nice if Iris was the one to confess her feelings for Barry this time. I think she should be the one to

I don't think Iris actually dated her boss. She said she "kind of" had a date with him and when Barry looked shocked she said it wasn't like that. I'm pretty sure Iris was referring to her coffee break with Scott and he took it as a date. Meaning, she has yet to actually go out with Scott.

Less time than that really. She started showing an attraction to Jay in the second episode, hours after meeting him and saying she couldn't come back to star labs after Ronnie's death.

True. Scott lost faith in so called "heroes" and wants everyone else to do the same. Or at least to stop worshiping the Flash. I think I'd like him more if he wanted to defame the Flash simply for a good story. No pity story necessary.

Scott explained his reasons for being suspicious of the Flash. And it makes sense that not everyone is going to be the Flash's biggest fan.