
They showed her at work in episode two. (We know she now has her own private office). She was hounding her dad for some information on a story but he refused if I recall. And last night she told Barry she was investigating Julian and that led to the discovery of what happened that night on his expedition. I'm sure

When has Iris ever been okay with Barry lying to her???????????????????????? Besides, why would you tell someone that in five months time they're going to be impaled through the chest by a monster? I won't hold it against Barry if he doesn't tell Iris. But i think in this instance, as much as he'll try to figure out

Did you miss Iris confessing her feelings to Barry back in season one. The whole reason they're together in the future is because they love each other. Had Barry and Iris not found out about their future marriage they still would've ended up together. Iris is with Barry because she wants to be.


Both of those interpretations are wrong.

She doesn't kiss up to the men in her life. She took a break from Eddie when she felt he was lying to her and putting their relationship on ice. She told both her dad and Barry off for keeping secrets from her that affected her life. (And she was called a b**** and a whiner for her efforts. It's funny to me now when I

When has Caitlin ever flirted with Barry?

Did you miss the scene where Garrick advises Barry to live in the present and enjoy every second? Obviously Barry will still stress over how he can possibly change the future. But patty wasn't a part of his life like Iris is. They dated for how long? A few months? Even if Barry and Iris weren't dating she'd still be

Good lord, no matter what this show does or doesn't do people will never be satisfied. Even if a character exhibits behavior that they always wanted them to! And why are people complaining about too many speedsters when this show is based off the Flash comics which is abundant in speedsters! I get that it may have

I think it's safe to say at this point that the writers are going to keep them together. I've seen tweets from the writers that show their support of Barry/Iris. Plus, they've written them in such a way that it'd be hard to justify them not being together unless Iris was dead. The showrunners themselves further cement

You either forgot or ignored the fact that Barry was in love with Iris long before he was forced to move in with her. And like the other poster said, Barry was long past the age where he would've confused Iris as his sister or Joe as his biological father. He was on the threshold of puberty and already in love with

It's not like Barry was going anywhere anytime soon. He was stuck in a mirror and it was just him and his girlfriend. Why not use that time to discuss with her some of the issues that have been plaguing him in regards to their relationship? Again, it's not like he was going anywhere. He couldn't get himself out

lol yeah, the sparks between the two were obvious in Trajectory.

It's only been four episodes, so I still have hope we'll see more of Iris's journalism. I think Berlanti recently said we'll see more of that, but I'd have to go back and find that particular quote to be sure.

It isn't incest. It literally, is not incest. The writers have always poked fun at Barry's and Iris's situation. They did it when Joe felt weird about Barry, his foster kid coming to him for advice on his daughter. And when Mason didn't know whether to refer to Barry and Iris as best friends or siblings. And when

What wrongs did Flashpoint fix in regards to Barry and Iris? They still have yet to tell us how Caitlin got her powers. Most obvious reason could be that she got hit by the second, more contained particle explosion. It could also be from something else entirely.

Iris's and Barry's relationship and eventual marriage has been a big part of the comics for the longest, why wouldn't she be on the show? This is the CW too, and they love romance so why not have his comic book wife? At least that way, we wont have to deal with relationship drama involving multiple people. Besides,

Seriously? You don't think the casting directors would've picked some who actually had great chemistry with Grant to play his love interest?

Barry and Iris don't have as much chemistry as Barry and Patty…..for you. Many of us, including the casting directors who termed it "magical", and the creators feel that Grant and Candice have fantastic chemistry.

Same here. Barry and Iris have always been "sweet" to me. I'm sure they'll get to the hot and heavy stuff that many want to see eventually, but I like that they're taking it slow. And it makes sense to take it slow. They've been bestfriends their entire life and although they both want this relationship, to be