So about that campaign length...Most sites are saying it took them between 6-8 hours to beat the campaign, which is roughly how long Halo 4 is...problem is 343 claimed it would be TWICE as long as Halo 4.
So about that campaign length...Most sites are saying it took them between 6-8 hours to beat the campaign, which is roughly how long Halo 4 is...problem is 343 claimed it would be TWICE as long as Halo 4.
Is no one else as disappointed as I am about the removal of split screen play in both the Campaign and Multiplayer? I know I might be a dying breed of player, but I absolutely LOATHE the idea that I can’t get together with my friends to shotgun each other in the face while talking trash in the same room together on…
With the lack of split screen co-op I lost 100% of my interest in this game. My brother and I have played through each game multiple times, having a blast, the halo series was far and away the best split screen co-op games out there. I know a lot of people who loved halo for this. 343 just shit on one of the series…
Seriously, not a single mention of the lack of splitscreen co-op?
I know it was announced a couple of months ago but no one mentions the lack of splitscreen co-op/multi-player in their reviews.. 343i screwed a lot of life long halo fans out of their favorite feature just so this game can have 60 FPS. Its an outrage and I cant believe how everyone just shrugs it off. Having friends…
As a Halo fan who hates multiplayer, loved the campaigns, and who’s favorite thing to do is team up with friends on split screen and play Halo, I’m probably going to pass for now. This review has reinforced that. I’d have to buy at least two Xbox Ones if I wanted to play with my friends, plus the game, and with people…
You missed a key factor in all of this:
No local co-op = :’(
Great write-up on the campaign experience, but I feel like you might need to mention the lack of local split-screen co-op or multiplayer, which is a 100% deal-breaker for me not only purchasing Halo 5 but also an Xbox one. It’s that important for my friends and myself to be able to play together in the same room.
I am glad I held off on this purchase. I, like many others, did not realize splitscreen coop had been removed by 343 in exchange for the 60 FPS solo play. Hopefully they consider adding the feature in the future and watch the sales continue to rise.
No personal comments or opinions on the splitscreen situation?