
it’s showing the same for me :(

it’s showing the same for me :(

Is there a code for the Gigabyte Motherboard? It still says $50 in my cart.

Is there a code for the Gigabyte Motherboard? It still says $50 in my cart.

I wish they would. The 2 games i’m excited about this month are FO4 and LotV. Can’t really decide which one to play first when i get home though :(

This is beyond cool for me and my friends. Usually on Friday night’s (I know, getting real wild) we like to play RTS’s like Age of Empires, Age of Mythology, and StarCraft 2. They were games we grew up with and they’re still addicting as ever. I’ll be buying a 4 pack of each so me and the guys can play these new

Welcome to the next gen, bro, where all that matters is graphics graphics graphics!!!! Thats what makes a good next gen console, not the mechanics that have been solid for 10+ years, but the graphics!!

Well I didnt see that one, so my bad. But every other site, IGN, Giant Bomb, etc... have no mention of it and people are trying to defend MS and 343i... I dont understand.

I think she doesn’t want to get involved with that so she’s going to keep every mention of it in the Grey’s. Unbelievable

Well, Battlefront and BO3 have splitscreen and I really haven’t heard people complain about the graphics on those games. If I want to play a single player game that runs at 60FPS and 1080p, I’ll play my PC. A lot of people picked up an Xbox One and multiple controllers knowing that they’ll get to play a new Halo game

I know it was announced a couple of months ago but no one mentions the lack of splitscreen co-op/multi-player in their reviews.. 343i screwed a lot of life long halo fans out of their favorite feature just so this game can have 60 FPS. Its an outrage and I cant believe how everyone just shrugs it off. Having friends

I thought they were saying:

Damn that sucks, I’d totally party with her though hahaha